First I thought she had some amazing showroom in LA and she would (literally) have devoted her whole life to vintage. Hence the extensive amount of labels. Apparently there are some insanely fabulous vintage shops in LA, so I didn´t suspect much at first. I thought she was one of them.
She said she travels a lot to find her pieces and buys from wealthy old ladies their vintage clothes, and as I usually believe what people say (until proven otherwise) I left it like that. And, I thought that a 600+ positive feedbacks there can´t be anything fishy going on. But people are so blind and forgiving... I once received a wedding gown for my shop, which was in horrible condition and as she offered me a refund so I could take it to the dry cleaner´s, AND even offered me free dresses. As I was running my new-found business I didn´t say no - which has bothered me ever since. If we all, who have been not-so-pleased with out purchases, would have left an honest feedback and not accept any bribes she would probably have a feedback score of 80%. I didn´t realize back then that she continues sending people damaged items if no one can stand up to her and leave an honest feedback!
When I told her that we´re done, but not finished and there may be consequences from her actions, she probably copy-pasted her usual email to a furious customer as it seemed to be out of the context.
One amusing thing; she said she had forgotten that I am a dealer as well, not just a customer. (After I told her that I may have spotted a 70s label on a skirt which she tried to sell as 60s)
So basically for her it´s OK to scam customers, but not other dealers?
I contacted Etsy support team about this. I am afraid it won´t sound very convincing as I am just a girl from Finland, but at least they can check our conversations and if, just if, someone has complained about her to Etsy they may really look into this.
She is pretty good however, in what she does (but that doesn´t mean it would have anything to do with good vintage dealing or honesty). She can always say that yes, she got those "Chapmans" with labels on them, didn´t change any zippers and the customers lie. She probably has a plan for situations like this, a good attorney even etc. If her income is tied into the business she does, she probably will fight very hard for keeping things secure. But the good thing is, that truth tends to come out, at some point. Everyone makes mistakes, one day she may find out that she messed with the wrong customer.
She said she travels a lot to find her pieces and buys from wealthy old ladies their vintage clothes, and as I usually believe what people say (until proven otherwise) I left it like that. And, I thought that a 600+ positive feedbacks there can´t be anything fishy going on. But people are so blind and forgiving... I once received a wedding gown for my shop, which was in horrible condition and as she offered me a refund so I could take it to the dry cleaner´s, AND even offered me free dresses. As I was running my new-found business I didn´t say no - which has bothered me ever since. If we all, who have been not-so-pleased with out purchases, would have left an honest feedback and not accept any bribes she would probably have a feedback score of 80%. I didn´t realize back then that she continues sending people damaged items if no one can stand up to her and leave an honest feedback!
When I told her that we´re done, but not finished and there may be consequences from her actions, she probably copy-pasted her usual email to a furious customer as it seemed to be out of the context.
One amusing thing; she said she had forgotten that I am a dealer as well, not just a customer. (After I told her that I may have spotted a 70s label on a skirt which she tried to sell as 60s)
So basically for her it´s OK to scam customers, but not other dealers?
I contacted Etsy support team about this. I am afraid it won´t sound very convincing as I am just a girl from Finland, but at least they can check our conversations and if, just if, someone has complained about her to Etsy they may really look into this.
She is pretty good however, in what she does (but that doesn´t mean it would have anything to do with good vintage dealing or honesty). She can always say that yes, she got those "Chapmans" with labels on them, didn´t change any zippers and the customers lie. She probably has a plan for situations like this, a good attorney even etc. If her income is tied into the business she does, she probably will fight very hard for keeping things secure. But the good thing is, that truth tends to come out, at some point. Everyone makes mistakes, one day she may find out that she messed with the wrong customer.