Rhinestone Starburst Yellow Sheath Dress

I'll be honest..... I may or may not list this next week because I can't seem to sell anything!!!! on ebay lately!! (Are we done with summer slows yet??????? :( )

But the photos and writeup are all set to go so here's a peek.

The dress is by Mardigras NY and is absolutely stunning! The aurora borealis rhinestone starburst radiates from the shoulder and from the waistline. There are also white metal cab. "beads" mixed in. A couple are rubbed off enameling...need a touch up. The dress is on display at my store @ $85. IF... I list it will be with that reserve! She has been professional dry cleaned and is ready to go!



Oh that is pretty. Simply stated style and burst of dazzle!
That's very nice. I'm with you, sales stink. I have been squeezing out just a few but I keep listing.

Go ahead and list it and maybe you will break this evil Ebay summer slump curse and make big bucks!:D
How fun!!

Yes, sales stink!!

When do we abort eBay and start our own Vintage auction site?

Cheers ~ Maureen
well.....guess I'm not the only one in the clubhouse.... ;) It's comforting but disappointing at the same time too. Oh well....this week has started off pretty good....first time in many weeks so maybe the spell is already broken! :)

Thanks for the compliments on the dress-yeh-I really like the simplicity of it. Guess I'll go ahead and give it a shot. Will have it listed in a day or two.

Guess I honestly don't think starting another auction venue is going to be any better than at ebay. Everytime I try another "new site venture" I wind up spending money and time and then go back to making money on ebay. I think the "magic key" is to educate customers as to where the vintage is..... and always remind folks what a great buy good vintage clothing is. VFG and VTA activities are a great boost in that direction!! We just need to keep pullin' in more newcombers to the experience of vintage fashions!

Ok ...off the band wagon and back to work. ;)
Go ahead and list. I've found that my "ho-hum" stuff hasn't been selling but my "good" stuff is selling for nice sums. Your dress is fabulous! I love the understated chic. Very, very nice.
That's a gorgeous dress! But I don't blame you for being wary about listing it (or any vintage clothing) right now, considering how deadly slow ebay has been. I've listed a few things with reserves - something I rarely do - after I 'gave' a few really lovely things away. Live and learn.

Hopefully things are starting to turn around - what goes down must come up?!

Good luck with this fabulous dress :)

Everything I have ever had from the Mardi Gra label has be so well constructed. This is one of those underestimated labels.... Always chic and always right in the times...
Even the little day dresses seem to have a yummy elegance about them.
Good luck! Looks as if you are off to a good start with a bid, a bid makes people look more even if it hasnt hit the reserve!
