Ricky Bo \'hilton hotel\' dress?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure this dress out. The label says: “ Hand Beaded Ricky Bo 24 ist FL., Hilton Hotel H.K.”. I presume the ‘FL’ stands for floor and the ‘H.K.’ for Hong Kong. I was just a bit confused by the Hilton hotel part. Would there have been some sort of boutique in the hotel, and would the hotel have been in Hong Kong or was that just where the dress was made? If anyone can shed any light on the matter, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, am I right at dating this dress as mid sixties? The hem has been taken up quite a bit, but exactly how much I’m not sure as its definitely been cut. Thanks
(click on the pictures to enlarge them)
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure this dress out. The label says: “ Hand Beaded Ricky Bo 24 ist FL., Hilton Hotel H.K.”. I presume the ‘FL’ stands for floor and the ‘H.K.’ for Hong Kong. I was just a bit confused by the Hilton hotel part. Would there have been some sort of boutique in the hotel, and would the hotel have been in Hong Kong or was that just where the dress was made? If anyone can shed any light on the matter, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, am I right at dating this dress as mid sixties? The hem has been taken up quite a bit, but exactly how much I’m not sure as its definitely been cut. Thanks
(click on the pictures to enlarge them)