Everyone, Amanda has offered to create a VFG blog post that will feature your past and current Oscar de la Renta items, and I will make a homepage feature to direct to it.
Please share if you haven't already!
I almost forgot about this little ODLR dress that I sold early, early in my vintage career:
Saw it in the newspaper this morning - so sad! He was the first designer whose name I knew as a kid - thanks to the Oscar de la REnta Barbie doll outfits from the 80s. My mom was no Barbie doll fan and didn't want to buy me any at first, but she liked de la Renta, and when these Barbie fashions came on, she bought me someof them (and I hink Barbie rose quite a bit in her opinion ). He was the first designer to create anything for Barbie (that was not some one of a kind), and that was way before the bih collector craze, collector dolls and all those countless designer dolls of the last 15 years or so. So, he was quite a pioneer with that too, and I think the outfits are all spectacular - gorgeous designs and colours, and quite a departure from the usual Barbie fashions of the time. These was real fashion for Barbie.
Here are the outfits I have in my collection. The blue and silver dress is my childhood one, which I always cherished. The peach and white one was on Peaches & Cream Barbie, my first Barbie doll ever. Rumour has it it was an ODLR design too.
there are some real odlr beauties here. it's wonderful to see so many of them all in one place.
i have a late 60s mink-trimmed evening gown similar to yours, jody. perhaps it was the same collection. haven't photographed it and have held onto it for a couple of years.
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