She said 40s...I said 60s (Purse Date)


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
I am having such a hard time not keeping what I find lately! (and this one is no exception). I just love crisp navy blues. (and it is all navy...the lining is just coming out a funky blue with the flash..) This is the sweetest grosgrain feel satin lined handbag with a great attached coin purse. the coin purse is attached with two little ..almost like satin you can "flip up" the coin purse for better access. Its by JR of Florida. (one of their better creations, I must say).

The person who I aquired it from told me it was 1940s, but by the hardware, and the fact that it is JR of FLorida, and the style of the logo, i am thinking more like 60s. whaddya think?

<img src="" width=504 height=354>

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<img src="" width=483 height=514>

<img src="" width=432 height=393>

ohhhh.... I don't know Chris....
That does sort of have a 40's vibe to me,
but I'm not very good with dating purses.
Love the way the little purse is attached.

Your photos are fabulous!
It looks like it's in pristine condition.
By the look of the handle and the insides I would say 40's Maybe early 50's I like that its very pretty!
here's the thing...i will have to find out when JR of Florida was has the gold letters and i always thought their "font" never gave me a 40s vibe. I might lean towards early 50s then, but will put it in the "cusper" category.

see why i have such a hard time selling things that I come across LOL
I am not familiar with the designer but I am thinking 50's here...Checking JR Florida and when they were in operation will certainly solve the problem....

Yes and I find it hard to let go of purses too....Sigh its a PITA when they form a part of your personal collection....Alright Alright I admit it, I have a fetish for purses but I am managing to let go of a few....

Well, there are some I buy for myself and some that i buy with the only intention of selling. And then i have my purses that i use and purses that I don't. JR of FLorida changed its logo to JR made in China i think in the late 70s or so. My only reason for not thinking it could be 40s is the maker...i am going to do some more research if i can, but for the moment am going with 40s/50s cusp unless i can find otherwise.

There were a couple of purses that i had for about a year and i loved em, but thought i could never part with them, but I did, and now its not so bad : ) just gotta make room for the one you "really really" want right? LOL