Shoe plates?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Am I correct in thinking that these are NOT taps, but were there to make your shoes last longer??

I wonder what they did for ergonomics if you were hitting metal instead of a leather sole when you walked...


(and yes, another future humane society auction)
I think I have about 5 packs of them. I will probably lot them up together or are they something useful that you would think someone would want to buy just one pack?
I would probably lot them together. If someone wants shoe plates, they usually go to the shoe maker to have them put on and the shoe maker has them on hand. Nowadays, when I do find shoes with plates, it the toe plate. It's tricky walking with stilletoes that have heel plates! Slip sliding away...
I wore some when I was little b/c I would walk around on the heels on my feet even when I was wearing shoes. I wore out a many of my heels on my shoes before my grandmother decided she had enough of buying me new shoes every month. :P
They may have been picked up by teens who liked the sound they made but the only time I have seen these historically used on shoes, are on granny style walking shoes from the 1930s to the 1960s. I suspect their original intent was to protect areas of wear on the sole, although I have never known a pair of shoes to wear out on the toes, its usually the top lift of the heel that goes first, then the ball.