Sleeping Beauties--Met exhibit


VFG Member
This is a quick overview of the Met exhibit:

The photos in the overview came from the Met. They are high res and, unfortunately, I was not allowed to make any changes of enlarge details. The bird dress is stunning with the sequin birds and the embroidery on the 17th century is fabulous.

I went last week. It's a beautiful exhibition, but too long--a minimum of 2 hours and there are too many sub-categories. I hated the dead birds on hats and necklaces. It helps to be a museum member; you scan the code and text you when it's your time--much better than standing in line.

I'm working on some short videos with my photos but this week I have to fine-tune my workshop for Costume Society.
It's a very ambitious theme - simple in one way, but overly wrought in context and meaning in other ways -- perhaps too many notes for a casual visitor to take everything in. I think it would make a fascinating catalogue where you can take your time to absorb everything that is being shown and said... My experience as a plebeian visitor is that you are shuffled through the costume exhibitions at a pace that doesn't allow you to reflect on much other than what you want to see. The success of their costume exhibitions are their worst problem! Still, I look forward to seeing the show in August when I am in New York.
Tom and Lorenzo, who started fashion blogging with Project Runway (Run Gay) are still one of my favorite sites to read commentary on fashion and celebrity style as They did a Style post on the Met exhibit with lots of professional photos. Also multiple posts with photos and opinions on the various celebs who attended the Met Gala.

How wonderful you were able to go, I am jealous but super happy for you. You always share so much with others, When is your workshop for the CSA? I am a member and would definitely want to attend and take part virtually if possible.

Its funny about you hating the dead birds. I totally understand, but those would be a favorite part for me!

Thanks for sharing and thank to all the others (above) who shared links.

If a win the lottery I will go to NYC for sure. Ha ha ha!!
Tom and Lorenzo, who started fashion blogging with Project Runway (Run Gay) are still one of my favorite sites to read commentary on fashion and celebrity style as They did a Style post on the Met exhibit with lots of professional photos. Also multiple posts with photos and opinions on the various celebs who attended the Met Gala.
Maggie, the photos are good, but they don't provide any descriptions.
It's a very ambitious theme - simple in one way, but overly wrought in context and meaning in other ways -- perhaps too many notes for a casual visitor to take everything in. I think it would make a fascinating catalogue where you can take your time to absorb everything that is being shown and said... My experience as a plebeian visitor is that you are shuffled through the costume exhibitions at a pace that doesn't allow you to reflect on much other than what you want to see. The success of their costume exhibitions are their worst problem! Still, I look forward to seeing the show in August when I am in New York.

Jonathan, it's worth joining--just to save time. The timed entrances worked and the exhibition was not crowded, but the wait time was very long. I went 2 days and spent 6-7 hours. The title is deceptive. They got 22 new pieces to include.

How wonderful you were able to go, I am jealous but super happy for you. You always share so much with others, When is your workshop for the CSA? I am a member and would definitely want to attend and take part virtually if possible.

Its funny about you hating the dead birds. I totally understand, but those would be a favorite part for me!

Thanks for sharing and thank to all the others (above) who shared links.

If a win the lottery I will go to NYC for sure. Ha ha ha!!

My workshop is comparing Chanel originals and copies. It's next week 5-24. Here is the youtube address for the jackets I compared early:

I'll try to do a youtube on the skirt and another pair this summer.