So who has their Christmas tree up?


VFG Member
I am delaying a bit as I need to remove quite a bit of clothing from the dining room that is 'in transit' (too much experimenting with steamer!)

I shall post a picture once it's up. Anyone else going to get us in the mood? And are your decorations vintage?

Not I. It's hard to get in the mood though when the temperature is in the 70's (F) and its drizzly. I will have to get myself into the mode.
I finished mine yesterday! I usually over decorate it but not this year. Some of my ornaments are vintage. I am decorating mantel and staircase today. Also dogs are getting groomed today. Hope to get a picture of all and will post soon.:)

Can't wait to see others decorations.
Our Christmas lights are turned on in the pouch as I write, well we never took them down after the problems with them last year on two trips back to the shop so we just left them up.
To embarrassed to post a picture of the decoration we might put up going this year for the minimalist look
Without young children running around now Christmas is not just the same.
yep our decorations are eldest son's birthday is on the 7th of december....

so we wait until after his birthday to put up the it doesnt take away from his birthday....

we just leave the kids do the decorating now.......and just move out the way when the fall out happens ( argueing )

and are just gratefull its only once a year......
We've agreed to get the tree tomorrow night so will post a pic on Friday!

Oh, how well I remember the fallouts.. my little sister stopped trying to choose where things went apparently - I had no idea that I always won! Now with a small child I can no longer have my tasteful tree and it is overloaded with crackers made from toilet roll tubes etc. But more exciting that way! :)
not yet..usually its the sunday after the kdis break up, but as they dont break up until 21st, it'll be this sunday..then l might feel a tad chrismasy!!
I am alone in the house this year ... so no Christmas decorations. My brother, on the other hand, "does" Christmas in a big way - he and I have VERY different life styles, (and financial situations :-() but here is his tree... Oh - he lives in San Francisco. And the portrait behind the tree is a relative, the rest are purchased.

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My, I feel a bit odd, as I put up the tree (trees, actually; one for each house) the last week in November. I just felt like having something sparkly in the house!

I have a nice little collection of antique and vintage ornaments and decorations, and I used to do the "decorate the whole house" thing, but now I find that just one room is enough!

I'll photograph the tree in our little Victorian house later, as that's where all the older decorations are.


Amanda, Brother's tree is lovely!
Wow, Amanda - that tree rocks! That is how I imagine my house when I am buying my tree, and it always ends up about 2 feet too tall for the room.

Well, a sad tale: we went to buy one but they were closed :(

I had pulled out the old 50s silver tinsel one for Finlay's room and he has made me put it in the living room for now, until we get our real one. Actually looks kind of funky, in a vintage way...
Ahh I put two trees up last night, one in the living room and one in the hall. I was doing it until 3am in the morning - shows how committed I am!

That is true festive dedication Emma! We have had a vote and the retro one stays, and we will have a big real one in the dining room this year. Will get that and decorate tomorrow.
Here's ours. No presents under yet but I will begin wrapping soon. I actually thought I had another week to go but no...just one more week!

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<img src="" border=0 alt=""><br><br><font color=red size=+3><b>Merry Christmas from the Warren's!</font color=red size=+3></b><br><br>
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Wow Amanda, your tree and living room are spectacular.
Love all the portraits. Looks like a page out of a magazine.

Very nice Linda. Looks like Santa will be very busy filling ALL those stockings!

No tree here yet. Should do it this weekend or my kids will give me a bunch of crap.
They're not here of course but will expect to see a tree when they get here.
A few very quick pictures:

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It's all vintage. Some of it is from my grandmother and some from Tim's mother. I used to collect vintage Christmas ornaments back in the 80s when they were still cheap! No longer, but I have some nice pieces!

The large Santa is from a great-aunt, and the smaller 50s Santa was a childhhod favorite.
Well...I broke a record this year and had all of my decorations up the weekend after Thanksgiving. I really thought I was doing great but then suddenly Christmas is a week away and I have so much still do do I can't see straight :o My daughters birthday is the 12th so that adds to the craziness. Here is a pic of some of my decorations. The kids decorated the tree this yesterday. It's not going to make the cover of a magazine but it's definitely a family tree and that makes me happy.
Everyone has such nice trees and decorated houses, I am bah hum bug this year so didn't go all out like I did last year so I'll show you last years pictures.

My tree this year is basically decorated the same as last year but is now in the corner where the entertainment center is and where I usually stand my mannequin in front of that large floral picture but this year I didn't feel like moving the entertainment table.

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