Store opened yesterday...and I had a sale..!


Registered Guest
Wheeeeeeeeeeee.......I am so psyched I can't stand it...!

Though I didn't get my new VC-Mall store as fully stocked as I'd hoped, I decided yesterday to go ahead and open it anyway. It's so rudimentary and plain compared to the others that I'm kinda embarassed about it. BUT....I woke up this morning to find that something had actually sold and been paid for...!!

It wasn't a huge $$$$ sale, but for me, just the fact that something sold at all, and within the first 24 hours, *IS* huge.

Please pardon this store-newbie's enthusiasm...I just had share it with folks who would understand..!
Oh, Carolyn....what a sweetie you are..! Thank you, thank you, thank you :) :)

If you weren't born under the sign of Cancer, you should have been. Cancer babies are the nicest ones in the zodiac...!
Patsy.... how great. Ok..... I'm motivated! Have been sooooo bad at not getting mine finished and open - thinking I needed "lots and lots". You've inspired me!! :D

I LOVE your scarves!!!!!!!
Congratulations! You seem to have quite the selection of designer scarves. I have a very nice country club hunt style scarf that has the label removed but I think it could be Hermes or Ralph Lauren. I'll have to take a picture and post it here.

Good luck!