**Submit Labels for the Label Resource Here** 2018 - CLOSED

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Hello Pinky-A-Go-Go and VFG Label Resource Team/Staff:

Thank you so very much for this incredible vintage designer fashion label database! I look forward to sharing a variety of designer labels that I've come across - but that have not, yet, appeared in the VFG Label Resource - with you.

The "Ermenegildo Zegna / Wilkes Bashford" and "Made In Italy" labels, below, are from the blazer in a stunning, plaid, skirt suit (double-breasted blazer; pleated, mid-calf skirt). The suit appears to date from the 1980's, as it has padded shoulders. Unfortunately, it has no fabric content label, but, I believe the fabric is silk. It was purchased at a second-hand boutique in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've spent a fair amount of time and effort trying to uncover some more detailed information, but, this is all I have to date. I hope it's helpful.

Best Regards,
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Hi all! I've used the label resource for so long, and wanted to contribute to it for many years. Finally am taking the time! Here goes:

late 1940s house dress - Fruit of the Loom Tee & Turf label

Thanks for keeping this resource going! :)
Stephen Marks, founder of FCUK. The first label is from a late 1970s velveteen jacket. The second is from a 1980s hip-length tweed jacket purchased in London by Olivia Harrison (Beatles George Harrison's wife).
Another Irene "exclusively for" label... This time Gunther Jaeckel.


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I have been meaning to post labels here! I'll get started with this gap label:
I'm like 99% positive it is from the 1980s, judging by the cut, where it is made, etc. Please correct me if I am wrong!
The tee is a semi-cropped, boxy fit with front chest pocket and tiny black dots all over in kelly green with black ribbing
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