Swanky men's robes coming soon!

Swanky men\'s robes coming soon!

Up on the auction block tonight...don't you wish your man would wear these around the house instead of his holey t-shirt and underwear?!

<img src=http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bonton/Copper_Mens_Robe5.jpg>
Majestic dressing gown in copper and black brocade with satin lapels and cuffs.

<img src=http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bonton/Fashion_Plate_robe2.jpg> <img src=http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bonton/Fashion_Plate_robe4.jpg>
Can you say suave?!

<img src=http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bonton/Japanese_robe.jpg> <img src=http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bonton/Japanese_robe3.jpg>
Asian design dressing gown with velvet lapels/cuffs.
"don't you wish your man would wear these around the house instead of his holey t-shirt and underwear?!"

Bonnie, I can't stop LAUGHING!!!!!
I hope you use that in your description!!

Bonnie I would love to have my husband out of his <u>tank top</u>! Hes even wearing it in the winter now.

Those are gorgeous! Better than even Hugh Hefners!
Bonnie those are really nice, I always do good selling men's smoking robes this time of year, I have a few to get ready to sell myself but I can't find my half male manni!! I had a garage sale a while back and I know I sold 1 of them in a lot of a bunch of those plastic manni's on hangers but I had 2 of the plaster half male manni's like yours above, maybe she took both? Guess I am going to have to drag my full male manni Adam out of the bar, what a PITA..

I like my man, bare chested....I am a sucker for a hairy man and I love to look at him. Hee! Tori
Wow.....gorgeous robes!!!! And they all look like such terrific condition too! You should list 'em with some hunky bods in 'em!! Eye Candy for sure!!! :)

back in my corner now.....