TaDa!! Our New Website!


Alumni +

After months of preparation, stashing inventory away, and using all the words Monty learned in Sunday School :BAGUSE: :

Our New Website,


is OPEN!!!

We are feeling a bit


because we know the chance to :asleep: is coming.

Come by and say :hiya:

The chance to "snore" is coming?

well this certainly is no snore!

Unless i need to go back to smiley interpretation class

Well done!!!!!!!!!!!
Hollis, that site looks wonderful, and it a great reflection of your taste and knowledge of vintage and antique clothing.


Its beautiful Hollis, I hope I was first in line for the Dache hat! I love your stock and your pictures are divine. It is so easy to navigate and I love that you have a designer area for those of us that are label obsessed! :clapping:

Congratulations, I KNOW what it is like to show your hard work to the world. It looks as though yours has paid off, its a lovely site!

Well, after a good night's rest (and our first sale!!) -

A Thank You to you all. All of you who have your own sites have been both inspiration and motivation to get the work done.

And a big thank you to Lizzie for bringing the bravenet site to our attention.

We really like the Victorian to 40s, but are started gaining an appreciation of the 50s - 60s in the last 5 years. And we will carry Designer labels from the 70/80s.

We will add in menswear as we can find it - it's a tough hunt in our neighborhood for it.

Hollis..... it's stunning and the stock is ..... oh just speechless!! Kudos to you!!

and I love those fashion plate border bands! Very striking!
Thank you Barbara - those plates are from a series of French pochoirs that a friend left to me when he passed away. I have been looking for a way to use them for years. I keep telling myself I will frame all of them someday, but there are 21 of them!

Hollis, the site is *beautiful*, I especially love the amazing display on the Private Collection page, and the images across the top of the page really set the atmosphere. :)

I *love* the look of that suede fur coat in the 60s/70s section which is heartbreaking as I'm too vegetarian to wear such a thing. But it looks *fabulous*. I should really organise the fur decorated clothing that belonged to my mother and grandmother in the 60s. I store it all in suitcases as the outfits are too beautiful to get rid of but there's no way I'm wearing dead animals. :-( I might see what mum thinks about donating them to friends or ebaying them as it's a shame to have beautiful things unloved and unworn.

I'm also deeply tempted by that black lace 1930s evening gown... would it be too grand to wear around the house? Hmmm... shall have to think about it.

As always some deeply divine items prsented beautifully. Well done!

love, moons and starrs,