oh boy!! i'm a fragrance-aholic!!
yes, yes, remembering Love's Baby Soft. also in the 70's ( i think it was) i found a fragrance by Givenchy called Yram (mary spelled backwards!) and i LOVED it, (not made anymore tho) also wore another earthy fragrance, um, ambergris, think it was called (something to do w/sperm whales, and musky scents like that) (sounds gross, but i USED to really like it ) and another one by Coty, hmm. not remembering the name anymore and it's another one not made anymore, either
i found that i tend to wear masculine fragrances better than "girly" ones, i actually wore Chaps for a while, and got so MANY compliments on it from MEN!! back when i was single and club-hopping 3 - 5 nights a week, that was a very "successful" fragrance...

also, Paco Robanne.
but a couple of my all-time favorites (on me) are Nocturnes de Caron, Chanel No. 5 and Filigree.
oh, and Mark (my younger goofy brother) used to use Pert shampoo for years, just loved that fresh and clean smell on him!! he also wore Pierre Cardin successfully, which i still love to this day, it reminds me of him
loved the scent of old spice after shave/deoderant, reminds me of my dad when we were kids and would go on family vacations, being in a hotel room and "smelling" dad first thing in the morning before we'd hit the road! loved it
mom wore many fragrances over the years, so can't really pin one down for her...hmmm, that actually seems odd, she loved them so much, too
whew! what a drive down memory lane!! thanks, Sharon!