The Antique Corset Gallery Update-Again!!

Hi all,

Just added a pair of c. 1860 red wool stays to <a href="">The Antique Corset Gallery</a> in the Early Victorian section.
Many thanks to Hollis for the pack of original Victorian corset lacing which came in handy for this corset as it was missing it's original lacing! :)

Lei, do you have a graphic for people who want to link to the corset gallery to provide the resource for their site visitors to look at?

I am not asking for/expecting links in return as I don't have a corset site.

The Antique Corset Gallery has been updated again with the addition of a rare example of a Dr. Warner's Sanitary Corset. Almost every book or website on Victorian corsetry cites how the two Warner brothers (not of Bugs Bunny fame!) became disillusioned with the effect badly fitting corsets had on the body, but no one ever shows an example of a sanitary corset!
Well, now you can finally get to see one in the Late Victorian section of ACG:

Enjoy! :)

Lei - what a terrific treat and collection review. I love being able to see the changes over time so clearly put!

I'm adding the gallery into my resouces pages on my website!! Thank you for a wonderful research project!
The Antique Corset Gallery has been updated this week with the addition of a creme colored silk Sportswoman's riding corset in the Edwardian section:

The only one I have ever seen like mine is in the Symington collection here in Leicester. Their's is the same model but was made in different silk fabric. The cut, style, boning and stocking suspenders are the same as mine though.
<a href="">Symington Sportswoman's Corset</a>

Enjoy! :)

Thank you! :) It is fun doing ACG as I get to examine and research each corset indepth. Also too, even when an article is written, I can still add to it as I find out more information about a certain corset.

Just listed tonight on <a href="">The Antique Corset Gallery</a>

A early 1910's pink brocade Spanish corset in the "Teens to Twenties" section.

lei - i sent a link of the ACG to a ('nonvintage'!) friend of mine and she was bowled over. i think you have a convert - you do a stellar job, and that pink corset is gorgeous!!
Thanks Harriet! I want my site to dispell any myths about corsets and hopefully convert some people into apperciating corsets. Glad I managed to hook one in :USETHUMBUP:
