Chris: You'd actually be quite surprised how comfortable a corset can be! As long as you don't try to lace too tightly all at once, it's just like having a big "hug" around you. I hate it at the end of the day when I have to come back from a reenactment or event and know that I have to take my corset off. BTW, with yuor small ribcage and waist, you would definitely fit into an 18"- 20" waist corset. Infact, this one in my collection would fit your shape perfectly!
Lin: Longline corsets made the body into a tubular shape, kind of forshadowing the boy figure of the 1920's so although the hips were compressed to fit the narrower skirts of the 1910's, the waist was set free a little so that the torso was more straighter up and down.
This meant that the waist/hip ratio started to even out
(although the bustline was still very full) from the extreme ratios seen earlier.
Since there was less compression on the waist, there would have been less fat displacement than in older corsets in which the excess fat got pushed down thereby adding more inches onto the hip measurement.
When you buy a longline corset you will have to buy a larger waist size than you would a hourglass corset due to the wiast compression being less. I wear a 26" waist hourglass corset but my longline has a 28" waist.
This is why in n old catalogs from the teen's era, the size range of corsets goes upwards into larger waist sizes with most size ranges starting at 20" instead of 18" and going to 38"- 40". The amount of hip reduction in different brands of 1910 corsets though tends to vary but from what I have measured in my antique corsets, the hip size tends to be about 10" more than the waist measure (i.e. a 28" waist corset has about a 38" hip).
With the longline corsets, it did start the move to a more "natural" looking figure though and I have a French corset ad from 1914 showing silouettes from the late 1890's to 1914 showing how corsetry was heading more towards supporting
the natural body shape.
>I see also the drastically hourglass-ed Victorian styles (which I've never tried on) and I wonder how they to work with a flexible body.
(In fact, are they generally easier to wear than the longer ones?)
Any body type should be able to wear a corset although your body does have to get used to having it's back muscles immolbilized! My back isn't that flexible (due to sway and crooked back) and I do find it helps my back. You always get the dull aching for a little while in the lower back muscles as they get used to not working and letting the corset do all the work! LOl, maybe it's just me that it happens too but I have heard a few of my other fellow re-enactors speak of this short spell of muscle ache when they first put on their corsets too. It goes away fast though.
If your very flexible in the body, then it may take a little getting used to NOT moving so much in an hourglass corset which is why you never corset too tighly at first.
I don't know if saying longline corsets are easier to wear would be correct but they are "different" to wear. I suppose they are easier in a sense as there is less waist constriction and the shape of them is similar to a normal body shape. Even though your hips are more compressed in a longline corset, it is not unpleasant as your hip bones are strong and prevent the corset from being laced TOO tightly in that area. I have a repro longline corset and it is a different sensation than wearing my hourglass one.
With an hourglass corset, I find it easy to slouch (bad habit!) and you have more leg movement in an hourglass corset too but with a longline, it forces you to sit up straight which makes riding in a car to events hell as modern seats aren't renowned for their perfect postures! You do have to move differently in a longline and it takes WAY longer to do up than an hourglass!
>Just wondering, partly because 'cos the hip thing is what stops me venturing into 22" sizes over 24.
I've got big hips, bum and thighs and I find longline corsets lovely for giving me a skinny look! You would be surprised how much they shave off your lower measurements and give you a more balanced look! My hips are 44"- 45" but my longline corset has 38" hips and it works like a charm!