The first ever VFG fundraising auction is here!!


Staff member
VFG Past President
The Vintage Fashion Guild turns 20 this year, and while its educational offerings grow, expenses grow too. Your support can help keep the VFG's resources free to the public.


Announcing The Vintage Fashion Guild Auction!

This year, for the first time, we are auctioning a collection of vintage fashion items donated by generous members of the VFG. All proceeds go to the VFG.

The auction goes live on Tuesday April 19 and runs for 2 weeks, ending on May 3, with new items added through April 30. It all takes place on Instagram @vintagefashionguild

Watch for further details on Thursday!

We are also very grateful for donations made at any time!

Please note: The Vintage Fashion Guild is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization, and as such, donations are not deductible as charitable contributions but may be deductible as business expenses.

The VFG: 20 Years of Sharing Our Passion for Vintage Fashion

The Vintage Fashion Guild turns 20 this year, and while its educational offerings grow, expenses grow too. Your support can help keep the VFG’s resources free to the public.

The First-ever Vintage Fashion Guild Auction

First rule: Come as you are!!

Everything being offered is authentic vintage or antique fashion-related. All descriptions include era, measurements, condition statement, materials and description of any special features.

Bonnie Cashin, Dior, Tabak, Valentino, Gunne Sax, Balmain, Biba, Gernreich, Miriam Haskell. Do we have your attention?

Here’s a sneak peek of what you will find.




Are you ready??

The first-ever Vintage Fashion Guild auction goes live on Tuesday April 19 and runs for 2 weeks, ending on May 3, with new items added through April 30. It all takes place on Instagram @vintagefashionguild

Here's some info about how the auction will work.

If you are not on Instagram, you can still participate! Contact to set up proxy bidding. One of the Admin team for VFGshop and shopVFG will be managing proxy bids.

Each item has a starting bid listed. All you have to do is leave a comment with a bid in US dollars on the post of the item that interests you.


All items included were donated by members of the VFG, and will be sent from those donor-members, wherever they are located.

Each post lists the country the item will be shipped from (US, Canada, UK and Switzerland are represented) and whether it can be shipped internationally or only domestically. (Domestic meaning within the country of the donor-member).

At the bottom of this post you will find a list of countries to which donor-members will be able to ship if they have agreed to ship outside of their own country.

Postage cost is listed in the description. Look for Domestic and International prices. All shipping will be trackable. Postage of several lots together will not be possible unless the items all come from the same place. If the actual postage cost is more than $2 under what the winner is charged, extra postage paid will be refunded.

Items will be listed from April 19 through 30, so stop by daily to see what’s been added. All auctions will end at 4:00 pm EDT on May 3.

We will tag you in the post comments if you have won the item, and send you a DM as well. All payments will be via PayPal (we will invoice winners).

And as always, donations are gratefully accepted at any time.

100% of your purchase price goes to support the Vintage Fashion Guild in its mission to foster knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of vintage fashion.

The Fine Print

The VFG and its members are not responsible for tariffs, customs duties, VAT taxes and the like. Donor-members will ship promptly, but can not be held accountable for delays in postal service. Items will not be returnable.

If we do not receive your payment on or before May 6, 2022, the item will be offered to the second highest bidder.

Please note: The VFG is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization, and as such, donations are not deductible as charitable contributions but may be deductible as business expenses.

Have Questions? Comment here, or send me a DM.

List of countries to which items can be shipped (check each listing for whether or not the donor-member will ship internationally):

Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.
Thank you to donors.jpeg

Many thanks to these Vintage Fashion Guild members who generously donated items for our upcoming auction:

@Metro Retro Vintage
@The Vintage Merchant
@Noble Vintage Clothier
@Vintage Runway
@Luna Junction
and one wonderful supporter and Friend of the VFG.

We couldn't be doing this without their tremendous benevolence.

Don't forget, the auction starts April 19!
We've had a request to provide details of each item as a preview, so here we are!

  • The images here are just the first photo of each item, and there will be more description with each of these posts as they come up on Instagram.
  • This isn't the order in which the items will appear.
  • The lot numbers do not correlate with the order in which they'll appear.


Top row:
Lot 30 1950s embroidered linen dress labeled Carib Clothes (Barbados)
Lot 22 c.1970s Echo scarf in geometric print
Lot 27 1970s clear faceted Lucite Miriam Haskell necklace
Row 2:
Lot 20 2 silk scarves from the 1960s/1970s Bianchini Ferier and Richard Allen
Lot 28 Large 1980s hair barrette
Lot 9 c.1885 winter jacket
Lot 6 Two root beer swirl Bakelite bangles
Row 3:
Lot 8 Carved cherry Bakelite bangle
Lot 12 1990s resin women pin
Lot 7 Bakelite cherry brooch
Lot 10 Delizza & Elster brooch and "Autumn Easter Egg" earrings
Row 4:
Lot 40 1970s Gunne Sax Romantic Renaissance dress
Lot 16 1920s beaded bag
Lot 24 Art Deco filligree and emerald paste necklace
Lot 26 Late 1940s/50s Jonné (Schrager) earrings


Top row:
Lot 29 1970s modern pendant necklace
Lot 2 1970s Big Biba Food Hall bag
Lot 25 Late 1980s/early 90s Liz Palacios SF statement necklace
Lot 32 1960s straw beach hat
Row 2:
Lot 39 1970s mens leather jacket
Lot 1 1960s Made in Western Germany brooch
Lot 36 1940s rayon jacquard necktie with original price tag
Lot 13 1950s/1960s lot of primarily blue rhinestone and glass brooches
Row 3:
Lot 5 Four carved Bakelite bangles
Lot 3 1970s Biba "Spider Eyelashes" in original case
Lot 14 Art Deco sterling & blue glass brooch
Lot 45 1920s fur felt hat with feathers and adornment
Row 4:
Lot 31 1966 Christian Dior hat
Lot 19 1930s/1940s small beaded bag
Lot 15 Four brooches from the 1950s/1960s
Lot 18 1960s/1970s scarves by Roberto Capucci & Balmain


Top row:
Lot 42 1950s cashmere cardigan by Irene Saltern (and probably worn by her)
Lot 11 Mid-1960s Rudi Gernreich double knit wool jacquard dress
Lot 46 1940s silk necktie
Lot 43 Late 1940s/early 50s velvet bag by Ingber with original box
Row 2:
Lot 35 NOS Arrow pocket squares with 'M' monogram
Lot 41 1950s Tabak of California dress from Irene Saltern's estate
Lot 34 1960s bag hand beaded in Hong Kong
Lot 44 1970s Vogue Couturier pattern by Valentino
Row 3:
Lot 33 c.1970 sterling beads necklace made in Mexico
Lot 4 Late 1960s/early 1970s Bonnie Cashin for Sills wool and leather coat
Lot 38 Midcentury cufflinks and tie clips
Lot 23 1970s 50s-style sunglasses
Row 4:
Lot 47 1950s Towncraft tie
Lot 21 1970s Round-up Western shirt with embroidery & pearl snaps
Lot 17 1960s Jean Dessès silk scarf
Lot 37 1950s/early 1960s sheer black nylon ruffled gloves
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