The next instalment of my 40's look


Registered Guest
For some reason the 40's is a period which up until now I now played much attention to outfit wise.

I am still working away at creating a authentic look and these are the latest instalment.
The skirt length has been lengthened , along with my hair and wering a slightly heaver pair of heels.

welll these are the photos.

Gosh! I have just realised this might be the very first time you have seen me smoking ! .

I agree, the 1940's is a good look for you. While all the photos have you looking rather sweet...the one with the ciggie gives you a bit of different look. A real 40's femme fatale kind of dame! Its OK, I smoke every now and then myself.
I have bumped this up becuse I now have a question!

I am having a vintage repro skirt made for this jacket, my problem is:-

a) am I right in thinking that very early 40's pre war restrictions the hem line was at the calf and becuse of the cc41 it just below the knee?

b) What colour apart from black would work with the Jacket?

I was thinking a very deep bottle green , sometimes my sense of shade is a little off key so I decided to ask here.

thank you in advance
Smashing Pauline, you look fantastic right down to the handbag! Not sure about green, I've always liked black better for it's slimming and long line effects but I also like Tabby's suggestion of tweed with the colour of the jacket blended in.
Personally, I would go with a black skirt too... re. the length, I'm not quite sure how quickly the seams rose. All I can say is, I am still marveling at some of the things in the 1946 Swiss magazines that I just bought - some of those dresses and skirts are really so short, ending so sharply below the knee!

Thank your every one, I do like the idea of tweed, Green is out now then lol.
It sound like you have a great referance source at you finger tip now Karin.
@Pauline, yes, it is! This was a weekly magazine, and I got the almost complete year '46 - just one issue missing. An incredible piece of history, thanks to the small news stories in there as well. Of special interest to me is, that one issue each month had sewing patterns, and these pattern sheets are complete. I think I will be blogging them, there is so much interesting stuff in there.
