The V-F-G goes R-A-B!


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Ladies and gentleman start your engines, and get ready to rock around the clock!

Wednesday February 16 through February 23rd, the VFG goes RAB. (Rockabilly that is!) We are telling you early so you can Mark Your Calendar! RIGHT HERE on the Public Board!

First, we will have a workshop all about Rockabilly! The culture, the tie in with the music scene and most of all...THE CLOTHES. So if you were ever curious as to why the girls snap up the novelty print circle skirts to attend Viva Las Vegas, what Psychobilly or Kustom Kulture is, come park yourself here! A lot of interesting info will be presented, and you are most welcome to join in with your question!

Going on simultaneously, you will be treated to a special preview of vintage clothing fitting the theme available for sale, or coming soon, from Vintage Fashion Guild Members. Everything in one place, with links on where to snap it up - shop at your finger tips versus crawling all around the 'net!

...and who knows what other surprises!


And bring a friend!!
I can't wait for this one! It's gonna be awesome, or fab or rab or whatever the lingo is! :P And I can't wait to see what kinds of RAB things our members have on sale then.

This will be a great workshop Chris. I think many of us still get confused on RAB and items actually can be catagorized as such!

Looking forward to this!
