There's a New Jewelry Book Out - and we are in it!


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There\'s a New Jewelry Book Out - and we are in it!

I just got my copy of Vintage Jewellry by Caroline Cox!

And they used many of the photos I sent in from our comb collection and my private jewelry collection. This is Very Exciting. There are 3 pages that are all mine! It's a lovely book in hard cover with lots of color photos. When I actually have time, I'll sit down and read it. What looks to be very cool is that it has chapters up through the 1990s, and includes art and craft jewelry that I recognize from gallery exhibits I have attended.

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You can find it on Amazon, and it's published by Carlton Books Ltd. If you go to Amazon, two of my photos can be found on the viewable link under First Pages - the thumbnails for the 10s and 20s.

They contacted me about the celluloid combs, which they used quite a few of. When she mentioned that it was a jewelry book, I offered to take photos of some of my private stash. I am surprised by how many they used, especially since it's all unsigned costume, and mostly glass beads, except for a Kramer bracelet that was my mother's.

Actually, I think that's almost all my vintage jewelery, except for 3 Victorian brooches and 2 necklaces they didn't use! No that's not quite true, I have acquired 3 bracelets since then......

Hollis that's amazing - i too am definitely ordering a copy as I have struggled to find decent contemporary books on vintage jewellery. How great to see your things in print and in good company!

Makes me want to collect the combs.. oh dear! Have only just got over my hatpin fascination :)
Thank you all! Like you Lizzie, I forgot the book was coming and was surprised when the DHL truck came down the drive.
