This should not have tanked. KWS help please!


VFG Member
Hi Everyone,

This great Victor Costa dress JUST tanked.

<img src="" width=240 height=469>

I think it should have sold but what do I know.

Anyway, I don't use very many KWS in my titles but I would love some suggestions for this.

Kat !~)
Kat, no this should not have tanked...I would relist it starting tomorrow and let it
run for 7 days. I'm not listing now, but in the summer I try not to have anything end Fri, Sat, or Sun - and never during the

You started on Thursday, and Thursday
night ebay is down for maintenance - which left a summer weekend for it to
be 'found'. I would also have it
end around 10:00 est or 7:00 pst (p.m.)

Another suggestion would be to list in
cont. clothing as well as 80s vintage.

keywords? I think I would scrap the Victor Costa, because unfortunately,
this dress will sell on it's own design
rather than the VC label I think.

I'm curious what this would look like with
a crinoline underneath? The skirt looks pretty full.

KWs? What about something like:

KNOCKOUT! Vintage Retro STRAPLESS Designer Dress - 12

(I don't think having 80s is necessary if you have it listed in 80s). The key is to get people to actually see the dress and
'strapless' is a definite....Full Skirt would also be good.

Of course I'm not listing anything right now, so take anything I say with a
grain of salt!

oh my goodness....... get that petunia back on! That is one of the best looking design dresses!

I have noticed a total upswing in hits, bids and interest in all catagories over the past week. Maybe it's because graduations are over, kids are moved and July 4 holiday is over. Or maybe it's just some other mysterious bug! Who knows!!!

Agree with bartondoll's suggestions. Victor Costa is problably not that well known so go with design keywords as she mentioned.

It'll sell............ ;)
Kat ~

I can't believe that one tanked!

I agree with losing "Victor Costa". I have sold one Costa and it didn't sell the first time - but did on the relist (and I dropped the name from the title)

I like Sue's title and would definitely add "full skirt".

Maybe even splurge for the extra dime and run it for 10 days - if the right people see this, you could easily have a bidding war on your hands. :)

Good luck!

Thanks everyone, they are great suggestions.

I'm going to play with the title this afternoon have to go to the Sal. Army to day to drop off stuff and of course look around:)

Barbara-I didn't even realize there wasn't a link! This may take awhile but I'll get it here.

Anyone remember how:)

Kat !~)
Go to your control panel and under edit profile you can edit your signature to put the url for your about me page or auctions there : )