Trying to find fashion designer Ben Zuckerman's rights owners or representative


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Hello! First post here for me :)
I’m french footage researcher, and I’m looking for rights owners, or representative of fashion designer Ben Zuckerman. is someone have any information about this?
Thank you for your help. Angele


  • Capture d’écran 2024-05-03 à 12.23.05.png
    Capture d’écran 2024-05-03 à 12.23.05.png
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Hello! First post here for me :)
I’m french footage researcher, and I’m looking for rights owners, or representative of fashion designer Ben Zuckerman. is someone have any information about this?
Thank you for your help. Angele
I am a big Ben Zuckerman fan- I can tell you he didn’t have any children (but had many brothers and sisters ). His fashion house closed 1968 and he died in the 1970’s. Not sure who would own the rights but I think this particular image appeared in either US Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar.
My understanding of copyright law (I am no expert but I have had a lot of experience), is that the copyright of that image is not held by Zuckerman - it would be held by either the photographer or the publisher because what you want to reproduce is not the suit, but the image. So you need to find where it was published (Vogue, Harper's Bazaar etc.) and contact them. If you can't find where it was published, you can do a due diligence post on various chat boards asking who owns it, and if nobody claims ownership, you can go ahead and republish -- but keep track of where you asked (like you have here) just in case. Worst case scenario is that you will be asked to pay a permission fee (usually between $100 - $300 - $500 at the most).
rights owners, or representative....
Are you looking for owners of the image copyrights? Or owners/reps for the Zuckerman designs?

Jonathan is exactly right that original copyright for an image belongs to the person who created that image - usually a photographer or the photographer's employer; a magazine where it was first published. Who owns the rights now can be difficult to figure out, but there are "aggregators" like Getty who have scooped up rights to a vast number of images and charge for their use.

Worst case scenario is that you will be asked to pay a permission fee
My worst case scenario would be a demand for penalties from a copyright troll. One of our members has had personal experience with that.
hello to all of you.
like I wrote on my post, I'm looking for owners/representatives of the designer. I saw that Ben Zuckerman didn't have any kid, and I didn't find any foundation or estate. That's why I ask here if someone knows something.
I know the rules about copyrights. it takes part of my work ! thanks for your advices.
I see, you are in France... in the U.S. you can't really copyright fashion designs unless the designer applies for a specific copyright for something tangible like a new fastener or material. Design copyrights are only good for 3 years max (I believe?), and since fashion is so ephemeral, it's not worth the trouble, because your design will probably be knocked off by the time you get the paperwork for the patent office. Zuckerman hasn't been in business for fifty years so you would have to find his archives, which was probably thrown out at the time of his death. I think its pretty safe to say that there is no legal representative of Zuckerman.