
VFG Member
VFG Past President
I am putting together a list of British vintage contacts to include shops, sites, ebay vendors, museums etc. Also any store you know that incorporate vintage such as Top Shop and Selfridges (although I know those of course, but you know what I mean)

Ideally I need this list by the end of this week - so if you can just keep adding to this link I can harvest it as it grows.

Oh and please include yourself and if you have them, addresses, phone numbers and contact names.
Thanks you guys in advance.
Hi Anne

Please add me into your list:

Corsets and Crinolines

For museums there is the Leicestershire Museum services which houses the Symington collection of corsetry. The corsets are exhibited at the Snibston Discovery Park and at the Harborough Museum.

Harbough Museum
Council Offices
Adam & Eve Street
Market Harborough
LE16 7AG
Phone: 01858 821085

Snibston Discovery Park

Phone: 01530 278444
Fax: 01530 813301

You can actually view the corset collection but you have to contact the museum services to make an appointment. I don't have the address of the museum storage facility but here is the info for the Leicestershire Museum Serivces:

Leicestershire County Council
Heritage Services
Suite 4
Bridge Park Plaza

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0116 2645800
Fax: 0116 2645819

In Derbyshire there is Pickford's House which is a small but VERY interesting costume museum.
Pickford's House Museum,
41 Friar Gate,

Tel: 01332 255363

Clothing related is the Wigston Framework Knitter's Museum. This is where I hold regular costume exhibits and they have the original 18th and 19th century stocking knitting frames, one which still works and makes socks and stockings! They also have a very small costume collection as well (mostly baby things).

Wigston Framework Knitters Museum
42/44 Bushloe End
LE18 2BA

Contact name is Peter Clowes (0116) 2883396

If I think of anymore, I shall add them! :)

hello there!

i may not be much help but there's me:

and then there's lincoln's one and only vintage clothing shop (sad to say!)...

2 The Strait,

contact number: 01522 514264
owner is sam - who's surname escapes me but she's very nice!

sadly that's all i can scrape together for my county. have a list of nottingham vintage clothing shops so will dig it out..hope that helps so far!


BTW I think it best to only post addresses and phone numbers here if they are actual shops unless you run your business from your home and you are happy for it to be posted in public :)
<B>13 O'Clock Boutique</B>
<i>60s/70s gear, varied selection, quite good for designers like Feraud... and sometimes sell on ebay)</I>
<li>102, Merrion Centre,
(Georgian Arcade),
Leeds City Centre,
LS2 8PJ</li>
<li>[email protected]</li>
<li>0113 2432776</li>

<i>vintage clothing and accessories as well as some original new designs with a retro slant... bizarrely sells everything according to weight!</I>
<li>Hardman Street, Liverpool</li>
<li>0151 708 5808</li>

<i>there are also vintage clothing shops in Liverpool city centre at <B>Quiggins</B> on School Lane, <B>Liverpool Palace</B> on Slater Street where the clothes are very haphazard in quality and mainly 60s/70s... and out of the centre in Penny Lane there's a branch of <B>Oxfam Origins</B> (those are the Oxfam shops where they specifically deal with vintage clothing) which has some really amazing things in.

There's another super fantastic shop called <B>Era</B> that's located in Saltaire that sells really beautiful vintage designer clothes but I'll have to hunt out details for you on that one.
Just catching up on post-holiday backlog, and with no startlingly useful info for you, but preliminarily, I can add the names of three shops explicitly aimed at vintage in Oxford. There's a few I know about in North London, but I'm sure that can be covered by people who know them better. I've got addresses from 'Itchy Oxford' but I doubt the accompanying telephone numbers are really of any use... :

Uncle Sam's Vintage Clothing
25 Little Clarendon Street
(01865) 510759
- Ostensibly vintage US specialist in origin, but this really only applies to the large volume of men's shirts, jeans & outerwear they carry. Of the smaller proportion of dresses & ladies' separates, most are British made. (purchase only)

Unicorn (purchase & costume hire)
(well patronized by the moneyed ball-going undergraduate market & theatre costumers)
Ship Street, Oxford.
-"A mental and physical challenge of stupendous proportions" (Itchy). The earliest stuff I've dug up from here is 30s and the latest, miscellaneous 90s, but I'm sure earlier eras are hidden in the lower strata. It's difficult to get the owner to part with early quality vintage, since she makes quite a living hiring hard-to-find items for theatrical use. Some excellent stock, difficult to find and once found, difficult to leave the shop with... Method of storage (landfill-like heaps on the floor edged with over-padded racks) leads to damage and garment distress.

And finally, most expensive of all:
Oxfam Vintage, in the basement of Oxfam, 17 Broad Street, Oxford
Tel. (01865) 241333
'Oxfam Vintage' actually consists of a dedicated floor of mostly modern clothes and a rack or two of genuine vintage, helpfully labelled 'vintage' on the tags. Culled from donations to shops in the surrounding area, selection and pricing varies according to the expertise of the pickers. Many 'As Seen' items are priced higher than perfect examples in dedicated vintage shops, but the randomness of their sourcing can provide some pleasing finds. Mostly 50s-80s.
(purchase only)

The Second-Hand/ Flea Market set up in Oxford's Gloucester Green market square on Thursdays also usually features 3-4 second hand clothing stalls. No cheaper than brick and mortar or thrift (and sometimes surprisingly expensive for ordinary 60s-70s items), nevertheless, stock selection is more specialized than all of the above & I'm sure bargains do crop up.

Hope this helps!
Checked out this shop the other day - hugely over-priced tiny shop but nice stuff.

'BLACKOUT II Vintage clothing from the 20s to the 70s. For sale or hire.
51 Endell Street, Covent Garden, London WC2. 020 7240 5006.

I have yet to try the vintage shops at Alfie's Antique Market, but I hear they're good.

Alfie's Antique Market 13-25 Church Street, London NW8

The infamous Salvation Army shop near Oxford Circus (a bit limited when I went there, but it's got a reputation with the London vintage fashionistas)

The Salvation Army
9 Princes Street Mayfair London W1B 2LQ (the vintage stuff is upstairs)

Pop Boutique sell their own brand of t-shirts and jeans, but this shop has some reasonably priced 'retro' - usually 50s-70s

Pop Boutique
6 Monmouth Street, WC2

Part of the new development 'Kingly Court' on Carnaby Street.

Sam Greenberg
Unit 1.7
Kingly Court
>>Semi-OT but possibly useful...

Senti, is 'Parker's Apparel' still operating under that name in the Victorian line of shops on Headingley Lane in Leeds (across Woodhouse Moor from the Uni, just uphill from the junction with Hyde Park Road, in 'Student-Land'(tm))?

I have the vaguest memory of seeing a vintage clothing store still there on last passing on a bus (quite a while ago), but I can't remember whether it had the same name. Made some of my earliest impulse buys there...

(:quietly marvelling at the prospect of vintage designerwear in Saltaire: )

I don't know about Parker's Apparel, but then there's lots of vintage clothing shops in Leeds where I don't know the names... the ones that are haphazard in that sometimes they're good and sometimes you walk in and walk right back out again. But I've always loved 13 o'clock as they always have something I like there... they often stock go-go boots which are always hard to find, they often have Petite Francaise and Feraud so they're my emergency "I need an outfit for a wedding" shop (I know that's strange, but I'm not wasting money on modern clothes just cos some silly nit is getting married! LOL!), and I've bought some really far-out psychedelic things in there that I've worn so often I have to keep re-stitching them together!

I will find out though, I'm due a shopping expedition to Leeds. Haven't been over there in months.

...and about the shop in Saltaire (I still need to get the business card I leant my friend so I can provide the details of the elusive shop), you really *must* go there if you're near it one day. I get dizzy when I'm in there, and won't even walk down the same street as it unless I'm feeling particularly rich. The racks are just dripping with Balmain, Feraud, Ossie Clark and Petite Francaise... and even the things without labels get me giddy. I just want to try everything on, I even tried on a 70s floor length Balmain suit which was purple and made me look like a victorian school-mistress... and then had to be persuaded out of buying it!
Senti - the shop at Saltaire is due to go on-line sometime this month. I'll let you know when I get the full site address - Donna was at the Manchester Fair dishing out leaflets advertising the new website.
Margaret, An additional shop here - I'm not totally sure how this one operates and I suspect it is some form of consignment store.

Savoir Faire
36 Castle HIll
'Nearly New Fashions'
Tel: Kenilworth 857878

In fact the clothes are a mixture of very recent and 70s-80s. Because of the catchment area, they tend to be quite high quality labels. I got some nice shoes from there last week!