V&A Exhibition snaps!!

Carnaby Street cabinet - mine is the white flared sleeve dress (Pussy Galore of Carnaby Street!)

<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/VApussygalorecabinet.jpg"> <img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/VApussygalore.jpg">

Black and white cabinet

<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/VAbatesmccanncabinet.jpg">

The dolly bird Gerald McCann with the peter pan collar is mine

<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/VAmccann.jpg">

As is the white PVC John Bates (Jean Varon) mini dress

<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/VAbates.jpg">

The least successful photos were of the Annacat dress because the cabinet was so darned dark!!

<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/VAannacatcabinet.jpg">

Then the John Stephen of Carnaby Street psychedelic mob cap

<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/VAjohnstephen.jpg">

And last, but not least....the Cathy McGowan's Boutique shoes (for those who may not know, Cathy presented a music show over here and was 'Queen of the Mods')

<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/VAcathycabinet.jpg">

<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/VAcathy.jpg">

I did take some of the rest of the exhibition, which I shall post another time!!

Those exhibits look fantastic Liz, especially THAT dress on THAT mannequin!! ZOWIE!! FAB!!
Liz...what did you end up wearing??

That is such the perfect mannequin to wear your white dress...fabulous!!

Your pieces are outstanding.

The piece that is my favorite besdies yours is that Foale and Tuffin black and white suit with the checkers. It is a crime that it is not in my closet.
Fantastic! No wonder you have been so thrilled with the exhibit.

Yes, we do need to know what you ended up wearing to the opening.

And another question, if I may ask... How did the V & A find you and your wonderful collection?

Awww thanks everyone!!! It's so hard to me to be objective about it as - in my eyes - most of my collection pales in comparison to all their other stuff on show!

The way I got involved was that they were advertising for some specific pieces on their website, one of which was a 1960s John Bates piece (they don't have any pre-1971 I think). My best piece is in Bath for that exhibition, but I'd literally just received this PVC mini so I emailed and offered it. During the email exchange I mentioned I had other pieces and sent some photos of my favourites. They already had a McCann and an Annacat, but seemed to prefer mine (a bit more 'swinging' I think). The Pussy Galore, John Stephen hat and the shoes were good extra pieces for those relevant sections. It's actually unbelievably hard to get hold of good, quintessential Carnaby Street dresses so although Pussy Galore is a very obscure boutique indeed, it was very typical Carnaby!

As for what I wore, I ended up in a Forties-style dress by Lee Bender at Bus Stop (which I've actually seen Kate Moss wearing) with some green platform shoes. It was just too hot for the Biba dresses I had in mind!! I made sure I took a picture when I got back, because I had a feeling people would want to know for some reason ;)

<img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i161/emmapeelpants/811466185_l.jpg">

Hi Liz,

What a super line up of exciting 60s clothes! It makes a collector feel proud I'm sure to see her items right up there with the best of them...and when they come back home you can enjoy putting them on again!

Keep up the collecting, you certainly have the knack for picking up the choice pieces!
