Varsity Sweater Help


Registered Guest
I thought that this was 50s, but I've had some friends (including one that used to own a vintage shop) say they think this one is older. Any ideas? The label is nearly disintegrated but does anyone recognize it? (my pics are very big, so I'll link to my description area hosted at my site in which there are smaller images with links to bigger pics) TIA - Kevin

<a href="" target="_blank">The Sweater</a>

Also any help with keywords would be great.
OH WOW!!! How cool is that! Reminds me of something Archie's friend
Reggie would wear!

Sorry Kevin, I can't help for the date. I would definitely say 50s, but earlier, haven't a clue. Hopefully someone will be along that can
pin down the date.

I also did a google and vivisimo search for "sequoirs" and came up empty on both sites.

Thanks Sue! I'm wondering if the Sequoirs weren't from upstate NY as I found this sweater at a roadside farm stand/church thrift that we happened upon near Hudson NY. It was housed in an old barn and the sweetest elderly couple ran it. I also got a great 40s Hobé sugar bead and lampwork glass necklace there. I just know I could never find that barn again!
"I just know I could never find that barn again!"

Oh no! It sounds like it could be a treasure trove!

I was thinking the same Brenda. The style of the cartooning and the style of the label both look pre war to me. I would say 30s, possibly just into the 20s, but more likely mid 30s.... gut reaction.

The graphics did make me feel it may be older than 50s, but I'm always going too far back so I was being conservative in my guess. It's fun to find something older, even if it isn't a Schiapparelli! I'll call it mid 30s.
This is such a great sweater Kevin, esp with the graphic on it and major bonus that it is that much older than 50s! Let us know when you list this.

That is fantastic! Looks like it would go over well with the Japanese market, to me. I was thinking 30s, too. I have some yearbooks from the 20s and 30s, and the artwork has the 30s school mascot sorta look to me. Great find!

Kevin, this is going to be big $$$ for you!!! Sure wish I knew where that barn was.:P
Thanks everyone.

I'm wondering if I should put a reserve on this. And how much? I'm not overly knowledgable about this type of thing.
I hardly ever put a reserve on anything so don't ask me. However, I would put a opening bid high enough to be comfortable with!
I put it up with no reserve. What the heck. Gotta let stuff go... That's my new mantra!

<a href="">THe Auction</a>
Kevin, I might really consider shoe-horning "Japan" in to the title - the graphic really does have a great cartoon-y vibe.

And I think the "Sequoiers" spelling for Sequoias <i>really</i> dates the sweater - it's a strange mix of a seriously un-pc (given the age of the sweater) pronunciation by... someone from Brooklyn (or the Bronx, or Queens) :D In any case it's a New York sweater through & through!

Thanks Lin!

I tried to sandwich Japan in to the title Carolyn, but I have to give up a descriptor for it. (I'll lose a word if it means getting higher bids though!) Do you think I could work it in to the description area? Or do those searching for Japan only use the title search?

Also, on a related note, is 49.99 too high an opener for this? (there seems to be much more interest in the hippy bags starting at 19.99, I've already got quite a few watchers on those)
I would do $49.99. You could always lower it a little if it doesn't sell but I don't think you will have to worry.:)