Very OT: So what do you get up to in your spare time when not vintaging?

love the kitty!!

and jen...l got to curves too.....and the choir must be very satisfiying for the soul, l havent avoice for singing so l envy you your talent!

and Lei have you trained your little beauty to wash up yet!!
I'm decorating my flat in the spare time between my day job and my vintage clothing site. I also take pattern-cutting & dress-making classes every Saturday.
Another busy mom with no such thing as spare time. Here's what I've been up to:
1) Feeling guilty about not keeping a cleaner house
2) Walking right past the dirty dishes
3) Wondering if my dd will pass the fifth grade, given that I may be completely in the dark about a report that may or may not be due this week.
4) Trying to arrange for employees to watch my store a the end of June so I can get to my cousin's wedding in Newport Beach. This may turn into a mini vacation as I may not get another chance to get away.
5) Just finished a grown-up book after stopping and starting for the last 3 months (Lucia, Lucia by Adriana Trigiani. Wonderful light fiction about a young woman in the early 50s juggling traditional roles against her career in the Custom Clothing Department at B. Altman.)
6) Realizing with horror that my 10yr old girl is out of school in 3 weeks and I have no real plan for her summer and not much extra cash to pay for activities.
6) Dating? HA!
Since I have manic and ferocious puppy pug, I garden while he does laps in my tiny urban backyard.

Much of it is in pots, since the 30 ft laurel trees/hedge and neighboring gigantic trees use all the dirt for blocks.

THANKS to :adore: commercial growers, since my actual 'gardening from seed' expertise begins and ends with the nasturtium and sunflower.

I live close to Portland Nursery, many blocks of land right in town, where you can buy at least 60 varieties of tomatoes and absolutely any other plant you might fancy.

Last pic is edibles, with bouquet of tiki torches and faux frogs.
Wow, I love this thread! So great to see everyone's gardens, and pets - oh my, that baby kitty is a heart slayer! And I keep returning to Lei's horsy in the kitchen, what a hoot! :sunshine:

Lizzie, that is awesome that you do shape note music too! It started in New England in the 1700s but has become a lost art form up here, so it's exciting that some groups are trying to bring it back.

Bonton: shape note singing is a form of music where the notes written are shapes, and each shape means that you sing a different sound. For example a square note on the page means you sing the word "la." The music is very beautiful and haunting, usually the tenors carry the melody, which is kind of unusual. And it's a cappela - no instruments. 4 part vocal harmonies, no solos. Some people call it sacred harp music - meaning the voice you were born with, because everyone has a voice and can sing, it's their instrument, i.e, sacred harp (I say, if you can talk, you can sing!!! The vocal chord is just a muscle and can be trained like any other.) There are big sacred harp conventions around the country. I'll be going to the New England one this Fall. Here's a wikipedia page about it if you're interested...

:wow22: Love all the photos - horse in the door, kittie, wisteria, climbing rose, studios etc. Many of you know that the real income in my life comes from horticulture and this weekend has been successful financially, but I am one tired woman. I read when I go to bed and I watch TV ! Currently like Top Chef and Bravo's dance show. Occasionally I play bookworm

I don't date = but I do have some wonderful friends and we get together occasionally. I think of this board as a great place to visit in spare moments.
Well.... you can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think....
I like to say I am a gardener but in reality if its too hot, too humid, too cold, too rainy, or too buggy I stay inside until next year.

I do cook and, unfortunately, I am quite good at it (I have a teensy weight problem that gets out of hand at times...) I have even won prizes for my cooking and have been offered to take on catering jobs, but I don't want to make it work and learn to hate it. Otherwise I watch far too much reality TV and old movies, and work with my collection, sewing, organizing, researching, and writing.

Oh yes, and I do NOT do housework. I quit smoking just over a year ago and my present to myself for quitting was that I would hire a housekeeper to clean my house once a week(she is cheaper than cigarettes), so I officially have a serf come in for four hours once a week to do everything but my laundry (its just creepy to have someone else touch my 'intimates' -- I also do dishes and change the cat box...
A serf, LOL! That's a scream! :hysterical:

Congrats on quitting smoking, Jonathan! That's a biggie! (... my last cigarette was Dec. 16, 1998...!)


Oh, I want a serf too.


I love the horse in the kitchen, looks perfectly at home there.

Maryalice, that is the kind of city yard I love and I think I need to get some more pots when I sell something again and fill it up. My back deck is covered with wisteria for shade, but it is so strong that dh cuts it back every few years (it has pulled the deck away from the house some) so it never blooms.

I used to have a pond garden which really took a lot of my time, but I loved it. It ended up getting a couple of holes from dogs standing in it and I just left it go. This year it is over run with ivy, but in the fall I think I'm going to make The Boy help me clean it out and put in a new liner.

Here's a couple of old pictures of it in better days.


OOOHHHH, I've always wanted a pond garden!!!! the closest I ever got was a mammoth glass tank on the 75 x 10 foot balcony on the back of my old deco apartment where I lived for a zillion years.

Reality TV..,hooked on Hells Kitchen.
mary alice your garden is so cottagey and darling... l love it...cottage garden at its prime....its glorious!!thanks for sharing...mre pics please..
I work two jobs, about 75 hours a week... vintaging IS my spare time! lol- i hope to ditch my second job and replace it with getting a vint. biz off the ground by the end of the year.

i'm totally with you guys on the date thing too... :icon_wall:

oh, and i totally NEED a horse to hang out in my kitchen now. (it would be hard to get him up to the fifth floor though i'd imagine...)