***VFG Fashion Parade*** Red!!

Red is hot! Red grabs attention. When a woman wears red, she exudes self confidence and power, as well as passion and sex appeal. Let's see some vintage red!
yay - finally i have one! fab tuxedo-esque red jean varon dress that i only just didn't keep


(sorry about the long link!)

These are all in my Ebay Store, Vintage Clothes-Line and ready to buy!! Just click the picture to see...

<center>70s Vintage Red Belted Scooter Dress

<img src=http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/70sredscooterdresscollage.jpg>

1970s Vintage VANITY FAIR Red Empire Nightie Gown / Top or Micro Mini Dress!

<img src=http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/70srednightiecollage.jpg>

70s Vintage Mod Red Op Art Mini Scooter Dress (nice large size, too)

<img src=http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/70sredwhiteminicollage.jpg></center>
What if she wears a red vintage gypsy fortune teller costume? She must exude something!!:bisou:

<img src=http://www.ssb9.net/users/37788/cost.jpg>
Vintage 1970s Pendleton Red Plaid Cape Poncho

Vintage 1980s Red&White Polkadot Tee Dress sz 12

Vintage 1980s Pendleton Red Red Suit Size 12 Petite

Vintage 1980s NWOT Daniel Green Red Espadrilles Shoes 9W

Vintage 1950s Luxite by Holeproof Lipstick Red Nightgown 32

Vintage 70's Gunne Sax Coffin Drape RED Dress

Vintage 70's Red Floral Summer Sun Dress B36

Vintage 80's VERSACE Jeans Couture Red Star Grey Skinny Jeans 28 41

And for the Guys:

NWT NOS Fashion Craft Vintage 50's Ruby Red Tie Cravat
Sweet 50's Swimsuit Cover-Up

<img src=http://members.aol.com/matrlmemry/kame1.jpg>

<img src=http://members.aol.com/matrlmemry/kame6.jpg>

Red Hot 80's Mermaid Hem Dress

<img src=http://members.aol.com/matrlmemry/red1.jpg>

Killer 50's Spike Heels

<img src=http://members.aol.com/matrlmemry/pr1.jpg>

All found at Material Memories Vintage
Backless Ossie Clark moss crepe and satin dress


And some sassy red Seventies platforms by Lotus


Both over at Vintage-a-Peel.co.uk