Victorian - 50s Now appearing in an Ebay Auction near you


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We have 50s dresses, 30s dresses , 2 Victorian gowns and even some hats starting last night and coming for the next 4 days. Take a look and see what you think!
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ok now....breathe.....

WoW!!!!!!! The blue print Victorian intrigues me as the fabric looks very similar to the blue print silk in my shop!! (on vcm too).

Your photos are A100% Terrific!!! Very very nice group and presentations!:love008::USETHUMBUP:
i'm always consistently blown away by your selections! and i have just idled away a happy half hour window shopping on your website - it's really wonderful!

now to win the lottery and go shop!! :roll:
Thank you all! Positive feedback is always appreciated!

Barbara, that type blue print must have been very popular in 1900 - 1905. I have seen this type dress several times in the past and it is remarkably similar in effect to the one on your site.

I will be adding some new things to the website next week, so come on back and visit again, Harriet!
