Just a sneak peek at a few auctions which will be listed this evening.
Most items will be from the Victorian and Edwardian eras although there will be some later vintage items. I will be listing quite a few 1860's CDV photographs of women as well.
C. 1867 dress:
<img src="">
Turn of the Century ballgown bodice encrusted with colored glass stones, beads and sequins:
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1930's heavy cotton lace evening gown:
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Mint and unworn 1940's CC41 faux reptile skin shoes from World War Two:
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Most items will be from the Victorian and Edwardian eras although there will be some later vintage items. I will be listing quite a few 1860's CDV photographs of women as well.
C. 1867 dress:
<img src="">
Turn of the Century ballgown bodice encrusted with colored glass stones, beads and sequins:
<img src="">
1930's heavy cotton lace evening gown:
<img src="">
Mint and unworn 1940's CC41 faux reptile skin shoes from World War Two:
<img src="">
