Victorian Wrappers Store Posters

I found these in my library stash and totally forgot I had them! I'm pretty sure they came from the old department store cleanout I did in Medina many many years ago. It was a store that had been in business since the late 1800s. I was up in the "left overs attic" heaven! I really enjoyed those paw thru days.

I'll be listing these but wanted to show them off here for your fashion history enjoyment. Both are very large posters. One is dated Fall Winter Styles 1899 and the second on is Spring Summer 1901. And check out those prices!!
Poster1901Wrapper (1).jpg
Poster1899Wrapper (1).jpg

These are now listed on Etsy:
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I looked through this: and it seems the average salary for a woman factory worker doin seamstress and similar work was between 2 and 3 dollars per day. so that would be between 65 and 100 dollars per day in today's money. The average factory salary today for women in the U.S. is $15.30 per hour. So it's not that far off of taday's rates.