vintage bathingsuit question


Registered Guest
Just wondering how well vintage bathingsuits do. I'm pretty sure this is 70's although the tag looks later. I'm having trouble with description. (ie: it has a skirt with three horizontal 1/2 'darts' (?) at the waist.). I tried listing it last summer on eBay but it didn't sell. Does anyone think it's worth re-listing? (Tag reads: Haute Couture Collection by Sea Queen.)

I'd love to hear your experienced opinions on this. (built-in Bra & tummy flattener, thick synthetic fabric slightly irridecent)

TLC Traci
Thanks Harriet!

Am i better just taking pics laying it flat or should I get a friend to model it? (I don't have a mannequin that I can put it on)

I'm afraid that putting it on someone for pics may gross some people out (even with under-garments on) it's a pretty intimate article ...ya know what I mean?? ....Although it does look much better on a person?! (not sure I'd want to buy a bathingsuit after seeing someone wearing!)
I know what you mean about the model thing! I think it looks OK as it's quite shaped in the cups etc so you do get a good idea of the style - Maybe if you get a plain light coloured sheet and photograph it on that it would stand out more in the gallery listings?
Good idea! I'll play around with backgrounds... I'm sure I have something lighter to put it on. I'm not sure if it's the fabric but it looks really washed out in some light and my energywise bulbs make everything yellowy! You all make it look so easy! *smile*
"Can you show the tag? As this might be quite a recent suit as they have copied a lot of this sort patterned 1960s early 1970s lately."

I didn't think of that! Ok. Here's a pic of the label. I just took it quick...hope you can see it ok. (The letters are sewn on not printed on it)
Does that tag look newer? The shoulder straps are adjustable and have three buttons and the zipper is fabric with metal teeth and an eye-hook at the top...if that helps.

Are we allowed to write pucciesque in the title on eBay? (this is my last question...promise!!) Is it pucciesque or psychedelic?
You know...a lot of sellers like to use "pucciesque" but i am not sure if the consumer really searches it. I mean, until I was at the VFG I had never heard of it/never crossed my mind.

I might go with Psychedelic 70s in the title, but in the description write that it reminds you of some of the work Pucci was doing during this era, and many makers followed in his footsteps with patterns. or something like that. This way if someone is searching Pucci in description will still find it.

As for myself, if i am looking for something like that and don't necessarily need it to be Pucci, as I am looking for something fun to wear, not save for a collection, I won't be searching Pucci. Just like i will search

BUT that is just ME.
Looks like an older tag to me - and agree with Chris, mentioning in the description (not the title though as previously stated or you'll get your knuckle's rapped by ebay!) that it is pucciesque is a good idea.
thanks for your advice!! I'm hoping to post a whole bunch of stuff in the next month. I'll let you know when it's up! TLC