Wow, great decorations anyone. I've taken a bit longer to get my photos together - I've been too bizzy doing other things :lol:.
Anyway, here goes:
When I moved to my first own apartment, I bought myself an artificial Christmas tree, as a natural one was just too much of a mess. I also bought electrical lights, but I don't bother with them anymore - I don't really need them.
This tree looks so good that my mom was convinced too and bought one, just a size larger. As long as I lived at home, we always had the "real" thing, with real candles. It's beautiful for sure, but there's always a certain element of danger - though we were always careful, and nothing ever happened.
I love a colorful tree, and initially bought myself these big, matte ornaments with lots of glitter, that came in many colors. Plus there were a few "cast-offs" from my mom, plus a lot of charity shop-finds that I don't know of how old they are or not. There's one big shop, that has loads of ornaments, but it's hunting for them in huge boxes, and one has to go and buy them in summer - that's when they have the most stuff, and the prices are the lowest. :beach:
Favourite ornaments! The silver-white ball is a design we had at home when I was small - but mom through them away later. I was so glad to find one secondhand. The frog is new, but I loooove little green frogs, so I had to buy this fella. I also adore ornaments like the one on the right of the frog, with its many colors. This one is probably vintage.
More favourites, and more of those "cut out" ornaments, pretty surely vintage too. The little angel is a Mattel doll, but she's so adorable!
And my very favourite ornament is this one - Daffy. I think this little figurine perfectly shows his personality - and who's the source of all his "problems" :lol: . Daffy is one of my favourite cartoon characters.
The three "holiday angels" from my doll collection, that always guard the pressies - Hallmarks "Holiday Sensation Barbie", "Ruby Radiance Barbie" (THAT dress!) and Disney's "Holiday Belle" from Beauty and the Beast.
My three