Vintage fashion images with roses


Staff member
VFG Past President
I have been doing a little vintage theme thing each month (as in June's theme) and I am going to start a new theme this week, roses.

I have found one, marginally two fashion images including roses (the flowers could be held, background, or ideally on the outfit), and could use a couple more. Any era much appreciated! TYVM!!!
Well sadly the cover image I was thinking of turned out to be a bunch of gladioli (drat!)
Here's two from a 'spring enchantment' feature on hats. Womens Journal, March 1945, both hats feature silk roses.

Let me know if you want the text particularly, as I left it two floors up and will only fetch if needed :D
Well, aren't THOSE gorgeous!! Thank you dear Harriet!! I don't need text, just the visuals. I could probably use a couple more if anyone has such a thing.
No problem - and sorry about the differing sizes; it's very hot here and I was a little frazzled! I probably have a few more so will have a look today.
I like other people's projects so much better than my own.. funny that!
Thank you Chris, those are interesting. I think I can manipulate them as is.

Hollis, send me the dress and no one gets hurt. :P
I know it's been a while since you asked...

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From a 50s dress

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from a 50s playsuit

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50s rose fabric
Thank you so much for those fabric images Lizzie...I just wish I had those items to sell! I have come up with my page for the month, but may use additional images for bulletins/emails.
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Not sure if these are of any help
Thank you so much, I especially love the glamour girl image! Unfortunately, I asked at the very last second last month (I'm doing a monthly feature using a particular theme) for rose pics. Now I'm on to my next month's project! I need to ask much, much sooner!!
Harriet, this time I have the impression that I'm so far behind I can't make it, but you've given me an excuse to try: Polka dots! Vintage fashion images with polka dots. :kiss2:

(A little later, editing here) I have actually had a flash of inspiration, which probably should be snuffed out instantly, judging from the success of my inspired flashes! I am going to do a theme that is "wear it now + then." Lucky magazine does this during seasonal transitions, and why not with vintage? I was short on polka dots, so I'll just roll them into the theme.

In this case, I don't think I'll need any vintage images. But don't worry Harriet, I'm sure I'll be back for more!!! ;)