Vintage Handbags, tips


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
After many technical difficulties (lightning storm, launcher probs - nothing major) i present some upcoming and just recently launched auctions on ebay.


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Machine age look 50s Coro bracelet

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Handbag by Lewis
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cute mini-vintage-handbag coin purse/keychain
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ooooohhhh there's that gorgeous orange bag!! What great looking bags - all! Nice group!!

Just peeked in your auction for the orange purse - bust??waist?? hehe....

and can you share some info about that USbuyer - Japan logo thing???
oooooooooooo, you finally listed that orange bag!! I have been seriously lusting over it since you showed it a while back!!

My bid is now firmly in place. It WILL be mine!!

You will see my bid as baroness_victoria instead of vintage*grace. I recently set up a new i.d. just for my personal purchases.

Gimme, gimme, gimme!

:D ~ Maureen
I am an absolute purse freak and those purses are fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE your pics!!!! I am totally impressed with both your pics and your merchandise. You will definately be on my favorites list.
And, Maureen, I promise not to bid on that gorgeous orange bag. You MUST have it. I fear the consequences otherwise.
whoops. a few of my pics didn't show up. I will put them up again in a answer everyone's questions/comments...

1) Ellen...there really are not too many secrets to reveal. The coin purse/keychain and the beaded/sequins number were just placed on a scanner. A scanner is so invaluable if you don't have one for scanning labels and small items. mine come out at 200 pixels per inch, and something like 15 inches. I just reduce the inches, not the pixels, or crop when i want to show tiny details. When i just want a general shot, i may just reduce both the pixels per inch and the picture size.

The second secret is good sunshine and a nice front porch. it is covered, but the light is diffused just right. I usually put a sheet down. The porch is covered so it is not really "outside". i used to fiddle, but you can't beat mother nature for lighting. I take my clothing most of the time in the office and i change the background with photo shop. occassionally, if a color just won't come out right, like an odd red or a deep blue that is not navy, i will set up on the front porch. The front table in my office is right under a psuedo bay window, so a lot of times esp textile items i take right there and photoshop the table out (but sometimes use the grain).

The photo of the gray plastic purse was taken on the table. The black purses are obviously outside and were taken a few months ago.

The photo of the orange was taken outside on a sheet, but instead of late afternoon, it was taken betw 11-12 so the sun cast a shadow. There is a little spot that does get sun at just the right time of day because of all the trees. when the sun just hits it right, i put it on a sheet in that spot. There is no sun in that spot the rest of the day, so the porch is not hot.

I photoshopped the background in, but this time only put the fill at a 30% tolerance vs a higher one so the shadow stayed in the picture and gave it a great effect.

The bracelet was taken on top of a tile that i had.

2) Barbara......................

That Japan find out more go to and click on the english site. I have been playing telephone tag with someone at the company for definitive answers....but it is a service for japanese buyers to bid through them on people's auctions that do not ship to Japan or only to the US. the company is in California so things would just ship there. From what i understand, it does not benefits sellers who already ship to Japan. and what i am trying to nail down is if there is a way in japan to search only sellers who have the logo...and right now it looks like the answer is no, it just lets people know about that i am contemplating taking the logo out and putting it on my me page instead.....but will get back to everyone when i finally connect in real time with them

Oh also Barbara...i was so exhausted when i launched the auction that i forgot to take bust/waist out of my template. though it does curve in at the i guess it does have a waist : )

3) Maureen ~ I saw that! I wondered who that was with the interesting id. I take bids from 0 feedback bidders - many times they are my best customers - so it didn't phase me that there was 0 feedback... I just wondered who the member of the royal hierarchy was. actually on the subject, if a meteor hit somewhere I might be queen someday as i think i am seriously something like 984,456 in line for the british throne myself. maybe add a few zeros to that.

seriously though - buying ids are smart for two reasons as a seller - easier to keep track of things for tax purposes or tracking finances and the biggy - if you have nosey relatives ! especially around birthday/christmas time - all they have to look up is your selling id and they snooped!

Good luck on the auction - but be prepared to bid high as i woke up to 10 watchers already LOL

I want to say one more thing about the scanner...the real thing you must watch is brass hardware...sometimes the lamp of the scanner reflects in it.

Here it makes the hardware look tarnished, when that couldn't be furthest from the truth! If you are using a scan like this, my tip would be to show the handbag in a natural environment as i will do a shot on the table, but leave the woodgrain behind it so people can see how it looks from farther than a mm away.

The good thing about this scan though is that it does show the patent leather is not scratched up : )


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Thanks for all the nice comments, guys. It was very tough going through and paring down my collection, but its for a very good cause.
LOL @ Joey!

Yes, I am refered to by an old friend as Victoria Baroness of Lee and I refer to him as William Baron of Lee (our middle names). Our private joke is that we are going to ditch our annoying spouses and buy the Lee Castle in Scottland and run away from the real world. It was up for sale on eBay in May. Check it out on eBay - you will flip and understand why!!
Scottish Lee Castle

Follow the link on eBay to its website and go into the photos. You get to pick your own Tartan and the castle comes with a Bagpipe band too! Imaging how handy that would come in at parties!

:P ~ Maureen, aka Victoria Baroness of Lee
(or is "Your Highness" apropriate here lol)

You weren't kidding. Lot's of room for the ebay inventory.... And TITLES come with the castle too.

I forwarded to my husband who is a RE agent in case he has any customers he wants to show it to. LOL.
Can you just imagine...... sigh ....

~Maureen Victoria, Baroness of Squat :(
those other pics never did come up! Oh darn! Well the coin purse is at the VC-mall, the orange handbag and gray are on ebay,...didn't think i indicated what was where : )