Vintage nautical images


Staff member
VFG Past President
I am doing a bit of theme listing on eBay starting Monday, and the theme is--broadly--nautical. Yacht, boat, get the idea.

I'm going to try to put together a little blog or newsletter or something to announce this, and have been really unsuccessful finding some vintage images that highlight this theme. Please don't go to huge trouble, but if anyone has something at his or her fingertips that they can share that would be delightful! I'd be most interested in vintage fashion images that illustrate the theme, not so much vintage boat images. Any era would be dandy!
Maggie, I will look in my old magazines and see if I can find something.

Just had to share my 60s Teal Trana in my collection that has a nautical theme.


Whoa!! That one's absolutely perfect Linda! I've got a little stash that goes from a silk Edwardian dress to a 70s photo print blouse.

Thanks if you find any images! I'm still searching here...
I really am open to anything! I'm not going to be listing any swimsuits, but any fashion image that whets the appetite would be lovely. Thank you so much for going to the trouble!!
OK, I found this hard!

Here are some vaguely nautical things:

From Vogue pattern preview pamphlet (c.1952/3?)

Fabric probably isn't quite the thing as it's not really an image but anyway, 1950s ladies blouse (saved for fabric as in poor state!)

And finally Womans Weekly front cover 1944.. if you squint your eyes it looks a bit like a sailors cap, lol :)

That's all - sorry for low res., husband scanned for me. Shall say no more - just let me know if you want me to redo any if you want to use them but can't see the thing...

Maggie, this is a hard assignment. You would think nautical pics would be all over the place. This is what I have come up with so far.

1967 Look Magazine.<br><br><img src=><br><br>May 1978 Time Magazine ad.<br><br><img src=><br><br>This is from a 1934 McCall's mag advertising Campbell's clam chowder.<br><br> <img src=><br><br><img src=><br><br>1960 McCall's Magazine<br><br> <img src=><br><br>July 1934 McCalls<br><br><img src=><br><br>
THANK YOU both so much!! I'm really touched that you dug around for me...and I love your finds! :kiss2:
Here's a 60s brushed denim, bell-bottom sailor suit.
Hope you like!


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
YES! Deborah, I don't have anything I like as well as that suit, but I will try to post some of my natty nauticals here.
Hi Maggie
These are two picture I found on Vintage nautical images
The top is Carol Lombard (Actress) possibly 1930
the second is from the house of Worth designed nautical resort wear with striped tops berets and blazers stating the obvious.
All the best Paul


I have just found one of Bridget Bardot (1956 at Cannes ) running on the beach could scan that if you want but not very nautical apart from a small boat in the background.
Great! I'd love to see Lin! My project has evolved (in 24 hours) to being a day of auction listings of natty nauticals per week during the entire month. I hope to get this rolling some day this week. Here's a wee preview:


