Vintage t shirts all the time


Registered Guest
Been working really hard on putting together a store for those who love vintage t shirts as much as me
would love to hear what people think. This seems like a great place to talk about vintage online, is it worth it for me to join the guild?

check out the site
Very cool! I always pick up older band t-shirts in particular whenever I see them but never get around to selling them. To be honest I usually end up wearing them to sleep in, which is probably really wrong of me :BAGUSE: . Especially some old guns n roses ones which I know I could sell...

You've sold on ebay for a good while if I remember? The site looks great, hope it goes well! :USETHUMBUP:
cool site, like your sense of humor. you've got your niche (product specific is good for online shoppers, typically)

if you can get those prices, good for you! they seem crazy high to me, but maybe i've just been underestimating a sales potential.

good luck w/your endeavor!!
I was toying with the idea of opening a separate store and all sorts of things for awhile just for vintage t-shirts myself for awhile. It's a great market!

Your site is fantastic!