Vinties New Year Resolutions


Alumni +
VFG Past President
(1) I will only buy stuff I *know* will sell

(2) I will only spend a pre-determined amount of money on an item and *not* exceed it - for any reason.

(3) I will clear out my stock/ebay room at the end of *every* week, and keep it tidy at all times.

(4) I will become *SO* organised, I won't recognise myself!

(5) I will master my camera so that I only need to shoot an item *once* - repeat photographing is a thing of the past from now on.

(6) All of my stock will be stored in neatly labelled containers and will readily be on-hand the moment I need it.

(7) I will happily pay my ebay and Paypal fees, safe in the knowledge that without them, I would be doing something other than vintage (even if it is more lucrative).

(8) My credit card will be nurtured and treasured, and used only once a month maximum - and will be paid off in full each month to avoid interest charges.

(9) I will make a major effort to specialise more and purchase only those items I need, not just buy anything I see and like.

(10) I will not feel guilty if/when I happen to break any of the previous resolutions.


OK - those are mine. Feel free to add any of your own!!!

(Now removing tongue from cheek!!!)

<b>Happy Yew Near everyone!</b>

;) :D ;) :o ;) :P ;)
.(1) I will only buy stuff I *know* will sell ~ YES

(2) I will only spend a pre-determined amount of money on an item and *not* exceed it - for any reason. ~YES

(3) I will clear out my stock/ebay room at the end of *every* week, and keep it tidy at all times. ~ *every season*

(4) I will become *SO* organised, I won't recognise myself! ~ ROFLMAO!

(5) I will master my camera so that I only need to shoot an item *once* - repeat photographing is a thing of the past from now on. ~ maybe by 2008

(6) All of my stock will be stored in neatly labelled containers and will readily be on-hand the moment I need it. YES

(7) I will happily pay my ebay and Paypal fees, safe in the knowledge that without them, I would be doing something other than vintage (even if it is more lucrative). ~ YES

(8) My credit card will be nurtured and treasured, and used only once a month maximum - and will be paid off in full each month to avoid interest charges. ~ I wish!

(9) I will make a major effort to specialise more and purchase only those items I need, not just buy anything I see and like. ~ YES

(10) I will not feel guilty if/when I happen to break any of the previous resolutions. ~ YOU SAID IT!

(11) I will attempt to weed through my bin of items needing repair
I will SELL more purses than I KEEP.

(well i was going to say sell more than buy, but then that would not make sense because i would have nothing in my shop).

Oh, bwah ha ha ha ha, Margaret! I keep trying and imagine I'll continue to keep trying on just number 1. If it just weren't for those, damned, hallucinogenic moments, tee hee...

I'm firmly committed to number 10 and even hope to keep clear, functional walkways through my material chaos for much of 2005. :P
I will not buy anything else until I sell what I have. (yeah, right)

I will clean out my Ebay room so there is once more a bed that can be used and you can see the computer on the other side.

I will just give away all the stuff that I know won't sell instead of holding onto it thinking it will be valuable one day.;)

I will not buy anymore shoes unless they fit me.:P

I will use my time efficiently and get everything in order and pictures taken, measurements noted, during the slow summer months.
I will just give away all the stuff that I know won't sell instead of holding onto it thinking it will be valuable one day.

Yeah - right! That's a good one!!! LOL ;)
I will not buy any coats until they are marked waaaaay down.

I will pay more attention to the possible profit margin

I will, will, WILL finish restoring 3 dresses in my personal collection

I will concentrate my shopping time and make it more productive

Well, I heard myself say the other day, "this is the year I'm getting everything organized and inventoried". Didn't hear anything about when I was going to start this daunting project though.

OMG...these are so me, too!

What a hoot!!! I guess we can all relate, huh? :D

Add mine to the list:

I will make use of my off-line time as wisely as possible....Besides tending to home issues, I will find time to carefull glean all information from my issues of fashion magazines before they become outdated........or before the next issue comes in the mail! (instead of quickly going through them and putting them in a pile)

Well, so far this year we have:

1)Inventoried everything.

2)Organized items by a)season, b)need to photograph, c)photograhped & d)list now. We then stored them accordingly.

3)Moved out 4 large garbage bags of items I'm sick of looking at.

4)Photographed all of our current VLV stock.

5)Organized our shipping supplies which were in 4 different areas around the house---yeah, THAT was convenient!

6)Completed early Spring cleaning in every other room of the house. WHOOHOO!!

Okay, now I'm bored & have nothing left to do (except write descriptions for over 200 items *blech*).
Kelly, you put us all to shame!!

I am in the midst of my office redo so I can hopefully join the likes of you soon....but I still don't know how you did it