Vote for Vintage! (denisebrain's October theme)


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VFG Past President
Vote for Vintage! (denisebrain\'s October theme)

Wondering where to cast your vote this fall? Maybe this political advertisement will help you decide (sound on):

Vote for Vintage
A+ Maggie...

I'm supposed to be selling the dress for someone, but I am going to ask to buy it. Its hem has been raised, and I keep trying to imagine what campaign it first came out for... Stevenson? Kennedy? Johnson?
That would be COOL...if I sold lingerie! I sort of haven't gotten into it because I'm not keen on showing it on myself, at least the more scanty numbers.

Any other ideas Candy? I love your choice of music!
Actually Maggie there are a couple others that make me think of you immediately but I can't think of what they are so I'll have to get back to you on that. Let me listen to my iPod for a while and I'll get back to you!
Maggie, that dress is absolutely marvelous; love it, love it, love it! You MUST buy it; of course you'll have VFG members inundating you with offers on it. (Thank God I'm sure it wouldn't fit me, or I'd be one of those.)

I would guess it came out when Kennedy or Johnson ran... It looks pretty solidly 60s, I think....
That donkey looks like he belongs to the same country club as that snooty goat with the lorgnette!
And did everyone notice the little links to magical themes of the past? Overwhelmingly cool as always.