Wallis London mod b&w checkerboard coat -


VFG Past President
I Googled Wallis London, and the results (Wallis is a 'High Steet' shop?) didn't quite jibe with this coat, which I believe to be 60's -

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/wallis2.jpg" width=319 height=613>

This pic shows the basketweave (?) texture of the fabric - as well as the dreaded missing button :(

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/walliscollar1.jpg" width=575 height=492>

The label -

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/wallislabel.jpg" width=300 height=205>

And these ties attached to the lining at the right armpit - a) what are they called, and b) what purpose do they serve?!

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/wallisties.jpg" width=392 height=480>

Any help with the label, the date or anything at all will be greatly appreciated :)

that pattern almost "moves" when you look at it.

i had a tie inside a jacket one time..it was a silky evening jacket though....is there anything on the otherside...? do you know how some robes have that "inner tie" so they don't flop open? maybe it doesn't make sense in this style of coat but could it be along that line? it is just a wild guess.

i wouldn't worry so much about the buttons, large flat black buttons are easy to find...even if someone replaced all of them to get the exact match...its not like they are realy odd shaped...
Wallis do go back a way actually and I'm sure that's 60s; they're all highly reasonable middle-market office-wear now, but I've seen some labels that look early 70s and that looks earlier.

Liz/emmapeel or Senti may have more knowledge of vintage Wallis and how far back it does actually go, but it's like a lot of things on the UK high street - lots of things that used to be individual and independent have been wallpapered over into sameness.

Similarly with Debenhams (old Debenhams & Freebody) and also Richards - the latter collapsed recently under the weight of customer boredom, but you do find chic things with earlier labels.

I'm not sure if Wallis is still as bad as most - I'm not sure if they're part of the all-powerful Arcadia group leviathan, which has taken over every other ladies garment house in the land... (my sister works for them, so I can't be too bitchy).

Are the ties long enough to wrap around your body - anchoring the sharp shape as tightly as possible to your rib-cage? Or is that idea too far-fetched?
The label shows it as 100% wool, but it doesn't carry the WoolMark, which was introduced in 1964 - so I guess this is prior to that date.

Wallis was a good label in those days - but as Noir says, is perhaps of a lesser quality now.

The ties would pass through a loop of thread/fabric on the opposite side before they are tied, so cinching in the coat a little.

The B/W check would fit with the early days of pop-art?
Wallis have been around since the 50s I believe. I once had an adorable 50s apricot tweed skirt suit with a Wallis Shops label (Daniel later revealed that they were allowed to use Chanel patterns for their suits - wish I'd known that sooner!!!). I also had that red PVC trenchcoat earlier this year which was a bit out of character for them ;)

I think they had their groovy moments throughout the 50s/60s/70s but are now a little lacklustre. Never seen that label before though!! Such a funky coat!!
I don't know anything about the label, but the style is surely mid 60s. It looks 1966/67ish to me -- the height of MOD.
I didn't know the woolmark was introduced in 1964... that's good to know. However, I have seen garments from the early 70s that don't use the woolmark, but instead say 100% wool. Perhaps it wasn't required by law to use the woolmark, but was instead a symbol created by the wool industry to visually identify the material through a logo.
When the international care symbols were introduced (I have forgotten now... 1972?) I don't it was an immeadiate thing that everyone started using them.
Ooh, I'd forgotten about that fabulous red coat - well with that label & this one perhaps Wallis can be honoured with a new resource feature!
Thanks everyone!

As far as the ties go - they're attached to the lining smack dab at the bottom of the armhole (i.e., the armpit) and aren't long at all... and if the wearer tied them around herself the ties would go straight across the bustline - ?

Eh - just wondering, is all - fortunately they're not the most notable detail of the coat - if I mention them at all it will be in passing.


Very cute... makes me think "Ska Rude Girl All Grown Up"

Just the sort of thing I LOVE, but am afraid to actually WEAR for some reason. I'm a fashion wallflower...

Hey! I bought a skirt at Wallis in the 1980's - it was 40's style, long straight skirt with a kickpleat at the bottom. I absolutely LOVED it - still have it - but it doesn't fit anymore.


I bought a teddy bear at Debenham's that has a sweater with "Deb's Bear" written all over it.

Deb, I've got a 1935 ad for 'Debenham Freebody Model Gown Department':
Distinction in Dress at Moderate Cost.
(love that old copy).
Must remember to scan it sometime... But no teddybears, alas.
Carolyn - those ties don't go armpit to armpit - the loop they'd pass through would normally be on the leading edge of the opposiute front panel, so as you begin to close the coat, the ties anchor the part that is underneath (covered by the front panel that is on view) - it helps the "lock" the underneath front half in place when the coat is fastened and closed.

Geez! - rereading this, and even I don't follow what I'm trying to say - so good luck! ;)
""the loop they'd pass through would normally be on the leading edge of the opposiute front panel""

that's what i was originally figuring.

oh well..maybe they are straps to tie your purse in there like a travellers wallet so no one would know what you were smuggling LOL