
VFG Member
In a few months the class of 2010 will be graduating high school. Remember that these kids were born in about 1992 which means that during their lifetime --

These things never existed:
Michael Landon, Miles Davis, Gene Roddenberry, Freddie Mercury, Panam, The KGB, library card catalogues, South African apartheid, cigarette advertisements, McDonald’s Styrofoam hamburger containers, hard contact lenses, the USSR.

These things have always existed:
Mainstream rap music, visible tattoos, bungee jumping, the European Union, cable television, cell phones, nicoderm skin patches, Zoloft, Madonna, flat screen TV’s, Magic Johnson’s HIV-positive status, a home computer, Planet Hollywood, blue Jell-o, Jay Leno as host of the Tonight Show, CD’s, screw off bottle caps.
Ugh! Need more coffee. :icon_dante:

Actually my youngest was born in '91, so I have been aware of my ancientness for a while now. :cool:
Thanks Jonathan for that- my fat sagging old lady *ss broke my bike seat today and now you go and remind me of my oldness!:lalala:

I don't want to spoil the fun by being too picky, but there are lots of people who still wear hard contact lenses. And cigarette ads are still around, just not on TV.

And yes, I do feel old now, thank you very much!
How about standard shift cars? American Bandstand? The Hit Parade? Janis Joplin? Walter Cronkite, Alistair Cooke, Studebaker's, Edsel's, Corvair's, Pocket Calculators - (the size of a current I-phone) manual typewriters, electric typewriter - what's a typewriter??? 45's, 78's - even 33's, VW Bugs.... I had one.

Saddle shoes, penny loafers with knee socks - girdles. slips, even pantyhose since it seems bare legs are more common now...

I'm talking about these things in their first incarnation!


P.S. I am "really" old compared to some of you and I drive a car with a 6-speed manual transmission. Bet most of you don't know how - LOL!
Originally posted by vintagebaubles
I cannot fathom that apparal made in 1990 is now vintage. I just can't.

Seriously! I still have a few 1990's items left that I STILL wear and I'm not trying to be vintage stylin' when I wear them, they've just been my normal clothes for the past 15 years!!

Ha, me, too, Lei! I have a couple dressy outfits from the early 90s that don't fit me right now, but I'm hanging on to them for when they do--and not 'cuz I want to wear them as vintage. I still consider them "high fashion"! LOL.... And I have two or three "job interview" suits/2-piece dresses that I'm keeping "in case" I ever have to go out looking for a "normal" job. I guess it is me that is vintage, as well as my clothes.
Hah, that even makes me feel old...! That always reminds me of a younger colleague at work about 6 years ago, she had this t-shirt with a bright red star on it, and the boss' son asked her if she had the communist star on her tee, and she didn't know what that was... Hey, I'm "only" 31, but that's actually what I thought of too! I actually remember the Soviet Union... :spin:

When I was a child, Eisenhower was the outgoing US President an I was just old enough to know who he was. Our TV had 2 stations. Our cars were from the late 1940s.

I AM old, that's all I am saying. And yes, my work/career clothes are vintage now!

Originally posted by Beach-Bygones
I am still getting my head around 80s stuff being considered vintage let alone 90s stuff!!

Me too!

I hate going to antique sales and seeing toys sold there I used to play with in the late 70's and 80's!!:wacko:

Well I choose to look at things a bit differently. These kids have never had the joy of buying a nickel candy bar, spending Sunday night watching the Wide World of Disney, making a pay phone call for a dime or seeing the Beetles on the Ed Sullivan Show for the very first time.
Oh my gosh! I remember watching the Beatles debut on the Sullivan show too! And yes...candy bars were 5 cents and NO SALES TAX! Every Sunday was Disney...and...HEY we must be the same age. We changed channels using a pair of pliers when the big turn knob would fall off..any body else ever use pliers to change the TV channel? I still drive a 5 speed manual transmission car, I prefer a manual. Oh and Candy cigarettes and bubble gum cigars? Maybe it is good that those are gone...but I am feeling soooooo old.

Since I have been wearing vintage and antique clothing for over 40 years now...creakkk go my knees....I wore things before they were "in style" and continue to wear those same things after they go "out of style". It is too funny!
LOL about using pliers to change the TV channel. Heck, I remember when the first TV came to the neighborhood and we were all so excited to go see it. There was some kid's show where you put a sheet of plastic on the TV screen and drew on it. Anyone ever do that? And Hollis - I remember singing on the school bus - "Whistle while you work, Stevenson's a Jerk - Eisenhower has the power - whistle while you work." (My politics have changed since the fifth grade!).

Scary thing last week - talking with a teenager and for some reason I mentioned the holocaust and she didn't know what I was talking about.