Ways of displaying/storing belts neatly?


VFG Member
I must sound like I have the dullest life ever with some of my questions, but how do you display belts neatly?

Specifically, can anyone think of a nifty way of displaying them at fairs? Without buying a big heavy proper twirly shop fitting affair.. Belts sell really well for me, but they end up in a real mess as I usually have them laid over the top of an open vintage suitcase so have to constantly tidy them up. I have probably 40 or so, so it's a pain!

I thought maybe put them on on a mannequin, but then I would have to bring an extra mannequin and it would take up valuable stock space in the vehicle!!

Any ideas? :)
Wonder if you could cover one of those big construction tubes (SONO? tube) with fabric and use it as a table top display?? You could make it as tall, or short, as you like.
I struggle with this too, so I am eager to see responses. So far my best solution is a small quilt/towel rack that I loop them over.


That's a good idea Bonnie! I kept trying to think of other cylinder type things I could use that would be light to move.

I have an old victorian airer (hinged folding thing) that I thought maybe I could attach them to some how as well...

a million years ago i worked in a consignment shop in Honolulu and the owner bought a length of chain (lightweight) and a bunch of "s" hooks. then she used ordinary jewelry tag loops (the plastic kind with the little locking heads) to slip through the end of each belt. she hooked the plastic loop through an "s" hook and hung it on the chain.

the chain(s) can be hung horizontally or vertically, but it shows the belts off better if you rig it horizontally. (which could be tricky @ a show...) ALSO, if there's a shopping FRENZY (that happens at some shows...) the "s" hooks can tend to fall off the chain...depending on the size/weight of the hook, if you can use a needle-nose pliars to close the end around the chain, it will be even more handy. Also, it makes it WAY easier to transport from home to vehicle, to show, and back again.

oh, and i'd probably spray it some fun color (or even just ivory or black)...

hmm...just read that...sounds sort of complicated, but its really not. Anyway, its an idea! good luck @ the show!!! :)

Mary that's a GREAT idea, thank you!! I think I'll be investigating the hardware place tomorrow.. that way you can have them all ready to hang up when setting up.. super!! :D
I don't have a lot of belts right now... but I suspect I might eventually! Always eager to hear transport/display options for shows as that's currently one of the banes of my existance!
I REALLY need a hat rack, too. One that collapses somehow would be preferable. Anna's looks great :)
l was goning to say a towel rail, but l see it shown in the pic....l cant think of anything original at all..
When I use to have a booth at the antique mall, I found an old metal rotating potato chip display stand with little clips to hold the bags but great for holding belts or purses..even boots! Got to love those old store displays.

What about a folding laundry drying thingie??
I have to say bravo for any of these ideas. It twerks me to no end to have to remove a half dozen belts to get to the one I want if they are on a long peg.

I have an old wooden bookcase in my dress room, the side is riddled with nails, each holding one or two. I should just sell them off, but there they hang!
A friend of mine uses a section of grid, and S hooks the belts on. They stay remarkably neatly, but/and it has a bit of a modern look.
Here's a confusing picture - taken in my greenhouse. (Those black lines hanging down are for watering pots... what a mess!) But in the middle I have a long metal pipe hanging on S-hooks with belts on it. Some of the belts are covered with material - my half-hearted attempt to prevent sun damage.

I can see doing some kind of elevated peg board with a wall of hooks placed in alternate spacing or some kind of rig based on the wooden laundry rack concept - but elevated. ?? I know at the thrift where I work they are on hooks and it is a pain, because folks always want the last one.

Wear a plain colored dress - maybe just a simple, straight style or wear monochromatic pants/top and put a bunch of different belts around your waist...maybe make them looser and off to the side 80s style. People will definitely start talking to you and it will be an ice breaker wondering what the heck you are doing with all those belts and you can say that you don't have enough display space and the belts they buy off of your waist are 20% off or something. Kinda gimmicky and strange i know. but obviously wearing multiple belts like some people wear multiple bangle bracelets is not normal so it will attract attention and get people talking (and probably noticing belts they would not normally have looked at)
Yes on the watch thing - OT - but do any of you watch (heh heh) "Top Chef"? (I am addicted ... and I want Sam to come live here) - I noticed at the last "judge's table" Ian was wearing 3 - 4 watches. That's the first time I ever saw that. Amanda