Weight Loss for Vintage

Eating healthy is important but other factors must be added to the mix to keep the body healthy. I've been lifting weights off and on for over 30 years. For me it's not so much about age but how much I'm working the program. I'm also a believer in the importance of yoga or flex training as we grow older.
Yes I'm also trying to get more active, which has not been my habit. I don't like gyms, and do best when a certain amount of exercise is an intrinsic of my life rather than something I have to go and do specially. Fortunately I anyway walk quite a lot, which helps. And climb stairs. Recently I got a bicycle, which I hope will up my activity level - I'll be cycling instead of using public transport, though I'm working on my road sense before I do too much.
@Ruth, I watched that series too. An eye-opener for sure!
Oh, and I don't like gyms either, I'm with you on that too. Though my weight is fine, I know I should probably be a bit more active just for health reasons... I used to go to a weekly class called "Bodytoning" - not to lose weight, but it was a good thing to use all those muscles one doesn't use usually, and it was nice. My only problem is, you can only sign up for four months in a row, and with my job, I'm at some times of the year just away too much, and there's no refund for missed classes, so it got too expensive. Plus they suddenly doubled the class size, which didn't help either - before it had been a cozy sort of 10-women-group (all ages, sizes and shapes), and then it suddenly ballooned to 20 and it got crowded... However there's new gym belong to the same mother company opening soon, it's on my way to/from work and I hope that they may have some more flexible classes. Until then, I get off the tram a stop earlier in the evenings and take a longer walk home. It's not much, but it's something and it's a good way to clear one's head after work.

I walk and swim but I like to dance so I have been thinking about buying some dance exercise dvds and dancing some calories off. :)
It helps to be accepting of yourself and keep your sense of humor.

Hear, hear! (And, as a last resort, there's always Jonathan's vodka/cigarette/cottage cheese/toast diet... :hysterical:)

I KNOW that I will never fit again into some of my favorite vintage garments, but am still optimistic that others will eventually make it back into the rotation. It's interesting how certain decades work better for me now than did ten years ago...

And I do think women have gotten larger-framed, regardless of their weight. I think the reason we find so many tiny shoes from t he 40s/50s is because there were a lot of women whose feet fit into them, and whose bodies were proportionally smaller as well! (ie My mother was an inch shorter than me, with shoes a size smaller than mine, and my rail thin daughter, two inches taller than me, has feet a size and a half larger.)
hear hear to self acceptance and humour yes! That helps for all kinds of life challenges.

Yes, we have all got larger framed (that's what I meant by taller really, taller people tend to be larger all over). It is more obvious when you look at shoes and hats. But a larger framed person will be a bigger size, even if they are slim.
I bought a 50's-60's party dress to wear as a wedding dress even though I knew I had to lose two inches in my waist to be able to wear it. I had 70 days to fit into it. I bought a waist cincher and could get the dress on with that on day 40. By my wedding day, I had lost 17 pounds and was able to wear the dress without any foundation other than a pretty bra & panties set. Lucky for me, it was the hottest day of the year.
For the last couple of years, I have been working on getting more fit (rather than concentrating on losing weight as I already start to feel deprived). We have been watching our portions and exercising more. I used to be pretty sedentary but now work out 45 min Mon-Thurs with something different each day to prevent boredom. We also started using vintage plates from the 50s which are 8 inch instead of the huge plates of today. A normal serving of each item fills the plate! Although I have not lost a whole lot of weight, I feel healthier.


Is anyone else getting a popup window on this thead......."NP:Want to lose eight?" Weird!
I hate to bring this up - not knowing is sometimes better- but weight is not the only factor in fit. As we age our proportions change. Many times when I was buying, an older woman would say, "I weigh exactly what I did in high school, but nothing fits me anymore." Gravity is relentless, too. Sometimes I think aging is like adolescence in reverse. "WHAT is my body doing now?"
It helps to be accepting of yourself and keep your sense of humor.

Good points!