Welcome back to the upgraded forum

I don't see a way to see all the recent threads. I only see "unread" threads. And if I comment on a thread and want to go back to it, I cannot find it, as it is no longer "unread". Am I just having a senior moment or? I liked seeing all the recent threads at once, with the unread being bold. Sometimes I want to go back and re-read a thread from days or hours earlier. I really don't like this new of only seeing unread threads at all.
Barbara, I understand what you are saying, as that was what I liked to see, too. I found that clicking on "What's new" in the bar above brings up what I think you (and I) want and were used to.
Not sure what I have done as I was trying to follow the step Ruth posted for Barbara at 3:45 a.m.
What I am seeing now is the following.

Maybe that is correct, just a bit confused. I should be seeing Xenforo at the top of the page?
If you click on the attachment you will see more of the screenshot.

Does this look correct for the latest activity


  • Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 18-53-21 (27) Vintage Fashion Guild Forums.png
    Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 18-53-21 (27) Vintage Fashion Guild Forums.png
    43.5 KB · Views: 8
Not sure what I have done as I was trying to follow the step Ruth posted for Barbara at 3:45 a.m.
What I am seeing now is the following.

Maybe that is correct, just a bit confused. I should be seeing Xenforo at the top of the page?
If you click on the attachment you will see more of the screenshot.

Does this look correct for the latest activity
It does not look correct, and the issue is related to you being an administrator. I will address this in the Administrator/Xenforo maintenance forum, as it doesn't affect anyone else.
If you are not seeing the forums with the VFG logo and colour scheme, you need to change a setting.

The forum should look like this:
Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 09.33.59.png

NOT like this:
Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 09.34.41.png

If you are seeing the Default blue Xenforo Style, here are instructions to change it:

1) Scroll to the very bottom of the page

2) Click where it says Default
Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 09.37.40.png

3) Click on Vintage Fashion Guild
Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 09.38.30.png

The forum should then look how it's supposed to in the VFG colours. As far as I know this issue of showing the Default Style will only affect Administrators
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Nice, it's definitely an easer-to-read look for sure. I just wonder if it's possible to bring back the feature that bolds the forum name in the list of all topics? I changed the style back to the default and that bolding came back, maybe it's a setting in the custom style you created? It's handy to see when there are new topics. All in all it looks really nice!
Hi Plousia

I reverted this back to the original setting, so these are no longer in bold, because I realise there is another, more subtle indicator of Unread Threads.

When viewing the forum list, if there are Unread threads, the 'speech bubble' will be purple and with lines in it. If it's grey with no lines, there are no Unread Threads. I think this does the same job and I appreciate the subtlety, rather than the bold headings dominating the list. Hope you agree?

See the difference in the screenshot below.

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 10.19.21.png
Personally I prefer the bolding, but my personal preferences certainly shouldn't dictate settings for everyone. I can just switch back to the default theme.