, I just discovered this page for me, thanks to Jolene. I love all the wonderful welcomes! Thank you so much! As for me, I have a long, long adoration for vintage from growing up in California in the 70s, which is what sealed the deal. My mom worked as an artist for Paramount Studios and being we were the hub of entertainment, everything from fashion to film to music started in Los Angeles and worked its way east, across the country. I remember visiting Texas and songs were just playing on the radio that had been out for a couple of months in LA. As for fashion, nothing was more pivotal than the fashions of the 70s. They incorporated so many vibes. It was like hippie mixed with cottagecore mixed with surfer. Lots of revival looks. I was a competitive skater so I was all about the Vans and Baja hoodies and my puka shells. Outside of skating I was more of a hippie gal with my bell bottoms and gauze tops. We LOVED Ohrbachs! They had huge bins (kinda like the ones at Goodwill) where they sorted all their gauze tops in one or dresses in another. Those India dresses and tops were my staples. Lordy, how I wished I had them all today. Then of course, my graduation look had to be a Gunne Sax dress and that was an experience going into their store and seeing hundreds of dresses and taking all day to pick one. Which of course, I found the perfect Jacques Cohen lavender wedges to match. Again, wished I had that whole ensemble. But, attached is a picture of me in that dress. LOL!! Then I had my grandparents who loved to travel and bought me fabulous clothes for those trips. Culottes. Jumpsuits. More pics below. So, I was doomed to one day discover the world of vintage and make it my career and it actually happened in a Value Village in Houston. I went in for some stuff to toss on eBay when I came across this novelty print 40s dress. Cotton. I didn't know it was 40s at the time but it felt different. Was made differently and bells were going off in my head. So, I bought it and got home and researched it and that is the day it all began. I never looked back or changed careers. I found a vendor in Houston and it exploded over the years. I later moved to Cape Cod to be close to my mom and now, I live in Wisconsin in the same town as my buddy, Dawn, also another vintage seller. I bought a house here and fell in love with the town, the weather, all of it! As for Dawn and I, we get into some hot messes, shenanigans, I call it...and thrifting trips are always an all day thing with lots of laughs and cocktails. But, glad to be here amongst some amazing sellers who inspire me and as always, this is a job we never stop learning from or being amazed by.