We're doing aprons at Born Too Late Vintage!

I LOVE aprons!! Cant sell 'em to save my life, they go for $5 a pop at my store if I'm lucky, and sporadically at that. I have a few at home I hang in the kitchen, one I got in an estate buy, red gingham w/ ANGIE embroidered on the waist! You've got some cute ones!!

BTW, the song on your blog is the song I have as my ringtone on my cell!! Ang
OMG!!!!!!!! What a terrific idea!!!!!!! I like that one even better than red hat luncheons!

I'm always surprised (aka pleased) with the number of aprons that go out my front door. Not the pure antiques - but the fun, warm your heart type that we remember momma wearing!

Just this past week I sold a really cute 1940s red gingham full apron along with a 1940s cookbook with the mom/daughter on cover wearing the same apron! How cool was that!