We're Having A Party!!!


VFG Member
We\'re Having A Party!!!

<img src="http://img.ranchoweb.com/images/leisa/aainvite.jpg">
Hi, Ellen!

As cohost of this shindig, I will jump in and say yes...it is <b>5:00 pm EST.

There are some great things planned and it is sure to be a blast! :)

I'll be there! ;)

Oh, you GOTTA know I am party girl! I will be here with bells on! I know Christine can throw the best online parties!

What shall I bring, besides my fun loving self?
remind me what time that is in the UK, that's the weekend before my birthday so I may be a bit 'merry' by then !
Yeah I will be there !!!! As my b'day falls in the school holidays we will take the kids to resturant to celebrate on my actual birthday so I'll have the weekend evenings free.
Table dancing and guacamole? Yeehaw!

Do we have to wear goofy party hats? I just hate the goofy party hats.

I think I am gonna dress up for this party, don't have enough occasions to wear my hot hoochie mama dress. ;)
Oh..crazy me I thought someone said 2:00 EST...I will have to see about changing some things around again..I certainly dont want to miss a party!

I think I will invite some friends of mine!
Timber - we will have to find a super special goofy party hat just for you, honey! ;)

And Susan...please invite some friends...everyone invite friends. The more the merrier! :)
I love your present gif! :)

And did you ever see the "Drew Carey" where they were dancing UPS guys spinning their "packages"?? ;)