What vintage hat designer used this


Registered Guest
This hat has an I Magnin label and this beaded rhinestone stickman is the only other "label" I KNOW I have seen it in conjunction with a designer label I just cannot remember who! Does anyone know?

Thanks guys!


<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30056787/Images/DSCN0329.JPG">
Well, not really a cowboy... but the hat sure looks like it doesnt it? Sorry it is not clearer but I am using my relief camera as my good camera has gone kaputz until I can get it into the dealer and have yet to really figure out how to use it effectively...
Anyway the head is a rhinestone, the body is a pearlized faceted bead, the legs and hat are a copper kind of piping and the arms copper as well as some fabric suspenders and three rhinstones at the waist...
I mean how do you even research it? Look up "little rhinestone man" on ebay? :) Driving me CRAZY!!

This is really irritating me as I am sure I knew this - I do recognise it! I googled for ages last night but to no avail.. it's a bit of a needle in a haystack search as you say Michelle!
Isn't it irritating Harriet? I googled as well... my goodness you did not have to do so for ages! I am determined to not list this hat until I know whose logo it is!!
Its not like I have just a few other hats! I think I am up to around 50 listed now.. another 40 or so to go!! I dreamed of hats last night!
