Who made that vintage fabric?


VFG Member
Have you ever wondered where a particular vintage fabric was made and who made it? If so, here is a list that may help you find more information about your vintage textiles. This list is a compilation of not only the more popular and familiar vintage fabrics, especially for lingerie, but also some of the more obscure fabrics of which little is known:


...and yes, you're quite right - I do need to get a life outside of vintage, lol!

Oh, wow!

I have one more for your list... from a NOS full slip made in Italy ! I don't have the slip anymore, long sold, but I kept the images.


Hah, you made me go digging too... Viscosuisse, founded as Société Suisse de la Viscose in 1905 as part of Sociéte Française de la Viscose (Wikipedia says 1906, but the actual trade register entry dates to 1905) , renamed Viscosuisse in 1976 and ceased to exist in 2007. The trademark/brand name Viscosuisse was first registered in 1965 though.

The Viscor trademark was entered in 1943, along with a heap of other fantastic fiber names that I've never heard before... Acelba, Arma, Armita, Aros, Flimba, Pila, Rayac, Yuva, Torsa. Wow... :hysterical:
Hah, you made me go digging too... Viscosuisse, founded as Société Suisse de la Viscose in 1905 as part of Sociéte Française de la Viscose (Wikipedia says 1906, but the actual trade register entry dates to 1905) , renamed Viscosuisse in 1976 and ceased to exist in 2007. The trademark/brand name Viscosuisse was first registered in 1965 though.

The Viscor trademark was entered in 1943, along with a heap of other fantastic fiber names that I've never heard before... Acelba, Arma, Armita, Aros, Flimba, Pila, Rayac, Yuva, Torsa. Wow... :hysterical:

Nice work, Karin! I'll need a whole new website for just that article alone!
