Registered Guest
Hey all,
I'd love some help dating this felted wool hat. It's fitted like a cloche and then has this sculptural flipped up brim. The pearl strand is almost certainly an add on, looks like someone attached an old necklace around the brim. There is a brand stamp inside but it is so worn down that I can't make out quite what it says and there is 100% wool stamp inside as well. Thanks in advance for your help with dating!
I'd love some help dating this felted wool hat. It's fitted like a cloche and then has this sculptural flipped up brim. The pearl strand is almost certainly an add on, looks like someone attached an old necklace around the brim. There is a brand stamp inside but it is so worn down that I can't make out quite what it says and there is 100% wool stamp inside as well. Thanks in advance for your help with dating!