Wool Hat Dating


Registered Guest
Hey all,
I'd love some help dating this felted wool hat. It's fitted like a cloche and then has this sculptural flipped up brim. The pearl strand is almost certainly an add on, looks like someone attached an old necklace around the brim. There is a brand stamp inside but it is so worn down that I can't make out quite what it says and there is 100% wool stamp inside as well. Thanks in advance for your help with dating!


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Oh sure! Here's the best shot that I can get of the inside, there's not much to it, no lining or anything, just a smooth piece of wool felt.


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I wish I could help, but I cannot really tell much from your photos. Black is hard to photograph, and I cannot see the details. The shape is much like 1930's, but it could be a hat from the 1990s as well as that is a classic shape and style. I suspect it is not terribly old.
Do you ladies think it is older with the bead work added later on, as that is deffinately not vintage. I am just thinking the shape does seem 30ish. I know there were some good reproductions of 30s and 40s in the 70s.

Just thinking?
I would also agree with positioning the curled brim at the front as the angle of the stamp seems to suggest this (label right way up when you hold the back with no brim) It's probably been shaped to sit slightly twisted as they didn't want those pearls dead centre.
If you haven't already; try taking pictures of the label from different angles and light sometimes a very sharp angle close to the object can reveal more of the stamped ink/paint.

The ink stamp looks to read Glenover, 100% wool. But the inked stamp inside the hat (as with many hats) is not a good clue for dating. That is the manufacturer of the wool felt "blank" or body, and is usually not the designer of the hat itself. As there is no label, and it is such a basic shape, and the photos are not clear, dating it here on the Forum is not possible. If you are asking for a listing description, I would recommend saying it is 1930's style cloche or 1930s revival cloche. You think the pearls were added at a later date, so I might assume they are glued on? If you are asking about value to collectors, then I might say that a mass produced wool hat, with glued on trimmings or added trimmings is more of a costume item. Probably form the 1970s - 1980s.

It is cute.
Good eye on the tag Barbara, I think that it does say Glenover. I haven't had time to take any more photos of it facing frontwards and although it just feels older than '80s to me I'll list it as a '30s revival just to be safe. Thanks for your help everyone!