Yellow Mellow Necklace


Registered Guest
Hello everyone!

I bought this necklace awhile ago and assume it's plastic/plastic coated beads.

Their seem to be differing colours of the beads and a kind of luminance even a slight translucency about them (faux pearl but yellow i guess!). Just wondered if there's a term for this type of finish/necklace and if I'm right re the plastic ie is there another material it could be?

I know the necklace isn't anything special, but I'm just curious!

Any thoughts?




If the beads are plastic they are called "Moonglow" and are often Lucite. If they are glass they are called "Faux Moonstone." Glass is heavier and colder than plastic. If you tap it with your teeth is makes a different sound. Find something that you know is either glass or plastic to compare.

Karin, it sure looks 60s....well I thought so as photographed it accessorised it with a 60s dress, so I hope so!

Linn, thankyou so much, that's exactly the info I was after...I will go and find something to compare and tap away. :USETHUMBUP:

I :wub: this site and everyone's so nice and friendly!

Okie dokie, from my little 'tests' I can say:

1. The necklace is comparatively light in weight
2. Teeth test - the beads have a dull tap against the sharper chink of a glass bead I know is glass and the same dull tap as a pair of lucite earrings I suddenly remembered I had.
3. The beads are warm compared to the coldness of the glass beads & warm as the earrings.
4. Looks like the little amber beads are the same
5. There's a kind of semi transparency about them or maybe that's a trick of the eye due to the 'moonglow' (love that description).

So, am I safe to say that this is 60s lucite moonglow necklace?

Ok cool, thankyou so much Linn, you have been a really great help! That's one more thing I've learnt from this great forum!
