Your First Piece

My very first vintage piece was this little "topaz" rhinestone pin, that my mom bought for me after much begging, when I was about 12. I loved this color . . . (forgive the bad scan)


But my first piece consciously bought as vintage (not a 60's mens jacket bought for $2 from the Salvation Army, worn with the sleeves rolled up--but a dress actually bought from a real, live vintage store!) was this brown iridescent taffeta and lace 2-piece dress from the 1950's, that I wore to a dance in 1989. I couldn't fill out the top properly, and the skirt was a little tight, but did I feel glamorous? YES! :spin:

I don't have my first first peice, I've been off and on with my vintage for half my life (sounds like more than it is lol) - but here's my first recent piece to this collection:

Originally posted by missproper
When I was 15 I bought my first piece of vintage - a green & yellow 1960's bridesmaid dress, and I LOVED it!
It was going to be my spring prom dress, except that my stepmom found it in my closet and forced me to throw it away!! :mad:

Awww, that sucks! My mom ALWAYS called it "old junk" she still doesn't get it, God love her lol - that's sad though; I had a great 60's poncho that misteriously disapeared when I was 16 and it bugs my still - wouldn't it be cool if you found the exact same dress again and got to wear it to somewhere like a reunion or something?? That's be awesome!
Originally posted by missproper
When I was 15 I bought my first piece of vintage - a green & yellow 1960's bridesmaid dress, and I LOVED it!
It was going to be my spring prom dress, except that my stepmom found it in my closet and forced me to throw it away!! :mad:

On behalf of step-moms everywhere, I'm so sorry. :(

I don't even know what my first piece was -- I do know that I wore a 50's black velvet cocktail dress to my senior prom & also had a 50's aqua satin cheongsam around the same time.